My brother texted me the following information. I laughed at how bad this movie sounds, though I told him that I will be livid if Dean shows up for the screening and my brother doesn't sneak me in. wink

And, I quote:
Aww, Dean Cain just hit a new low. He's "starring" with Steve Guttenberg in a "new" movie made 5 years ago and finally released ashamedly in a couple of theaters. I only found 2 reviews - 1 from the Hollywood Reporter( Click here for the link to it ) and a second on a site called ItsMyPart that is just a hilariously poorly plagiarized copy of the first. I had to test it before a screening next week. It's a third rate after school special filmed entirely in a junior high auditorium. It's SO bad! It honestly looks like it was done by a not very competent high school a/v club. They filmed a high school football locker room scene in what I can only assume was a golf course clubhouse - as if they were hoping no one watching this would ever have been in a high school locker room before. And feel free to assume the acting is as bad as any school play you've ever seen. Only had to scan it, thank God. The 15ish minutes I did see were plenty. Mad Max, on the other hand, is awesome.

You can find my stories as Groobie on the nfic archives and Susan Young on the gfic archives. In other words, you know me as Groobie. wink