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#258559 09/30/14 10:49 PM
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September was a quiet month here on the boards. I know that school has started back up for some of our students and teachers (and parents dance ). I know that Hollywood has rolled out its new season of shows. What's been keeping you busy this past month?

I'll start:
  • Kids went back to school (still party I love 'em, but enjoy my sanity too)
  • Seriously searching for a RL job that pays more than fanfic (although, I can't say "better"), preferably in an office (but not realistically since I've been a stay-at-home mom for 10 years, so apparently my brain is now mush, and my skills nil. Has office life really changed that much? huh )
  • Catching up on all the new seasons of shows (i.e. last year's season) which are *finally* reaching Netflix's instant list (as many of you know I gave up cable's high cost several years ago)
  • *Finally* getting to all those things I said I'd finish this summer wallbash /although, painting my office has been put on hold. My husband's just switched jobs so income is more iffy, and painting is more discretionary/

So, what's keeping you busy and off the boards? Are there any new shows (or old ones) worth checking out? (Please watch spoilers, though.)

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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For me:

  • Work
  • A sick son. (We're awaiting the results of XRays for confirmation, but pneumonia is suspected)
  • Work
  • A washer and dryer that both died and needed to be replaced. The new washer came about ten days after the old one broke, and the new dryer is coming on Sunday. Since I can't go to a laundromat (because of my son), I have had to do hand-washing for a while, and still need to hang up to dry newly-cleaned laundry
  • Did I mention, "Work"?


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Oh, Lynn, my heart goes out to you. I'm sorry that your son is sick. My daughter caught (developed?) pneumonia several years ago (and spent her 6th birthday in the hospital). I wish him a speedy recovery. I understand your frustration regarding your washer and dryer. Many hugs and may October be a better month for you both.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Hi Virginia,

Thanks for the well wishes. It has been confirmed that my son does have a touch of pneumonia; we just got back from the pharmacy.

Thank God for antibiotics.


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Watching the usual contingent of shows (Once upon a time, Castle, Agents of shield right now, Grimm when it starts up next month). Just really busy with the two kids. One justturned one when I found out that I am pregnant again. wallbash It's not that I didn't want a third, I just didn't want them to be LESS than two years apart a piece! After this I'll have to seriously consider what I'm going to do about BP.

I'm also going to do sound and lights (for the first time) on a play in a community theater I'm involved with. It's "Dracula" (with a female Van Helsing) so it's going to be fun. It will be a learning experience though, Never done tech stuff with regards to theater before.

Also in the planning stages of a costume for my eldest. He wanted to be a lion (again. He was it last year) until I convinced him he should be Daniel Tiger instead. There's a pre-made costumeout there but it's horrible. Instead we've found a red sweater jacket on EBay and we're going to get some orange sweats to stripe up with duct tape. After that there will be makeup and make our own headband of ears and voila

I myself need to do some final tweaking on the UltraWoman costume,which I'll wear for Halloween this year. It will be the final time I'll get to wear it until after April (which means I won't be wearing it for my local con because I'll be too pregnant to fit in the unitard cry ).

Last edited by Christina; 10/01/14 04:32 PM. Reason: add about War'N Peace's costume

CLARK: No. I'm just worried I'm a jinx.
CLARK: Yeah. Let's face it, ever since she's known me, Lois's been kidnapped, frozen, pushed off buildings, almost stabbed, poisoned, buried alive and who knows what else, and it's all because of me.
-"Contact" (You're not her jinx, you're her blessing.)
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I'm not sure what I've been doing. I'm not teaching this semester but with two kids in high school doing multiple activities (football, band, gymnastics, show choir...), it keeps me busy. I'm also making quilted table runners for a Show Choir fundraiser. I hope I can finish them in time.


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Two words:

1. Ashley
2. Kayla

The girls turned one on August 22 and are super active, happy little girls. Which means, by the time they are in bed for the night, this momma is exhausted. I've been doing some writing, but that eats up my spare time (fic is turning out WAY longer than I ever thought it would) and sometimes taking the night off to play games with my husband (we have an Xbox One and PS4 which are both fairly new).

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon

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Lynn--sorry to hear about your son's pneumonia. Sending 'get well' wishes his way smile...

For me, being busy has been centered around:

*Kiddos (Ava just turned 5 and Eli is 3)
*Houses (see below wink )
*Family time (related to above, but see below wink )

The kiddos always keep me busy--and it seems like even busier the older they get, but the big 'thing' is that we've had some changes for our family going on over the last few months...

We had been living in North Dakota for the last few years (based on my husband's job relocation). Well, I grew up in Iowa, all my family and friends are in Iowa, we were living in Iowa before ND, and well...Iowa is 'home'. I had been really hoping to move back to Iowa. And now...(insert drum-roll dance )...we are! New job exactly where I was hoping we'd get to move back to! Woo-hoo!!!

So 'Houses' refers to our home in ND being in the market--which is a project thumbsup --and also refers to finding our new home in Iowa (which has also been a bit of a project wink ).

'Family time' is a direct result of being able to go back 'home'. We are now getting a chance to make up for a few years of missing out--on birthdays, holidays, celebrations, and on heartbreaks (we've had a few major health situations regarding extended family members come up since we've been away--which was so hard not to be around for...but also, some likewise bad health situations recently that now we've been able to be a support system for). We're really close to our family...and yeah, it feels just amazing to be back hyper.

Great idea for a thread, by the way, Virginia! clap

Last edited by LMA; 10/02/14 12:58 AM.

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~
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Hmm. I mean, I guess I check on here when I can, but besides my one story that I've posted, I've felt pretty much absent from you guys for *months*. The rundown?



Best Friend's Wedding (and everything to prepare for said wedding-- we're the type of friends where I'm not the "have-a-nice-time" bridesmaid and more like the "lol-get-your-butt-on-these-invitations-cuz-you're-family" bridesmaid. goofy But I loved it!)

(From Mid August - End of September):

Family up the wazoo. I have had at least four different groups of family come out and visit us, all in the span of a month. One of my mom's cousins is a truck driver from Missouri and he keeps bringing out peoples that are related that I kinda/sorta know.

My grandparents' 50th anniversary (and all ensuing other family chaos).

My other friends' wedding, which was less work (not a bridesmaid) but still a stress to get ready for. But lots of fun! thumbsup

My brother bought a car as-is from someone on craigslist, which promptly broke down three blocks away. That was a bad week.

More Missouri family in the last week.

And on top of that, new shows (CASTLE, everybody!!! clap ) and work and just day-to-day stresses. However, hopefully things will be starting to settle down soon and I swear I'm getting back to writing again because I miss it and all of you too much. laugh

Whew. I didn't realize how much that was until I got it all out in a list!

EDIT: Oh, and the King Fire. Forgot to mention that. It didn't hit us, but we were scary-close. The smoke was killing us-- major headaches and difficulty breathing. The smoke was bad enough that they cancelled my brother's school for it (and we got nine inches of snow last year, and they didn't cancel a day). It's crazy when you have to go into the city to get some fresher air. dizzy

Last edited by Mouserocks; 10/02/14 02:49 AM.

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
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Hmm. Not sure. I'm at home recovering still, I'm checking the boards all the time ...

But I must say, actually, I'm finding stuff to do. Going shopping with hubby, reading archive stories ... oh and I did get bitten by a muse so that will be coming, hopefully, soon.

Lois: "You put up with me for the same reason I put up with you. It's because I'm completely in love with you."
Clark: "And I love you ... Did we just make up?"
Lois: "I think so."
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Congratulations on your big news, Christina! Wow, you sure do have your hands full (and then some). I'm not familiar with that lion character, but I'm sure War'n'peace will be adorable. My son has decided to be Luke Skywalker (from A New Hope) for Halloween, because he has the perfect hair for it and we can piece together an outfit from clothes already in his wardrobe. Correction: That's why *I* suggested the costume. He agreed because he doesn't want to get his hair cut. (Yes, his stubborn procrastination streak comes from his mother; why do you ask?) smile My daughter is nine so slowly losing interest in dressing up. She was going to go with her usual themed witch costume, but now seems to be leaning towards a Moaning Myrtal (from Harry Potter) costume, despite Hermione fitting her personality better. peep

Lynn, I hope your son is feeling better. I agree with you on the antibiotics, especially whenever watching or reading any period piece where they weren't available.

Joan, wave . Don't forget adding that you're out-reading LabRat on 50 books / year list. notworthy It seems the only books I read these days are to my children. How is your writing going? /nudge, nudge/

Deadly Chakram, congratulations on surviving the first year with twins. So have they started running off in opposite directions on you yet, or is that their goal for 2015? Excited to hear about your new story. clap

Laura, your welcome. I know there are lurkers out there and sometimes people need a little nudge to remind the rest of us that they're still around. Congratulations on finishing your move... with two children. thud It's one of the reasons I *never* want to move again. At least, you finished before your oldest started school.

Mouse, wow, that's some busy summer. Did you forget to add job search after graduation or have your luckily already found something? I'm glad you're doing fine despite the fires and smoke.

KK! hyper New story! We accept! /not that I'm excited, or dying with anticipation, or anything [Linked Image] / I happy to hear your recovery is still going well.

I've got some news , too! I've been called in for my first job interview in 10 years, tomorrow. dance Wish me luck, poise, and lack of usual tongue-tied-ness (I'll need it). Off to go buy something to wear that doesn't scream "Mom!"

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Virginia, congratulations on the job interview. I hope it goes smoothly. Remember, there's no such thing as a bad interview outcome. If you don't get the job, you will at least have gotten some experience with interviewing so that the next interview will go better. If you can go into the interview with this attitude, you'll be a lot more relaxed and will give a better interview than you would if you were instead to think that the only possible good that could come of the interview would be getting a job.

MouseRocks, Congratulations on graduation! Did you graduate early, or were you already in college when you joined the boards? It doesn't seem like four years.

Christina, congratulations on your FoLC-to-be. smile May the pregnancy and delivery be smooth and may your little one prove healthy and happy.

Laura, I'm exhausted just thinking about the logistics that such a move would entail, but it sounds like it will be well worth it once you are finally able to settle down back home. Congratulations.

My son seems like he is feeling better. I, on the other hand, have a head cold complete with a splitting sinus headache... I'm glad that because I am home for my son, I don't have to be at work right now.


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Originally Posted by VirginiaR
Congratulations on your big news, Christina! Wow, you sure do have your hands full (and then some). I'm not familiar with that lion character, but I'm sure War'n'peace will be adorable. My son has decided to be Luke Skywalker (from A New Hope) for Halloween, because he has the perfect hair for it and we can piece together an outfit from clothes already in his wardrobe. Correction: That's why *I* suggested the costume. He agreed because he doesn't want to get his hair cut. (Yes, his stubborn procrastination streak comes from his mother; why do you ask?) smile My daughter is nine so slowly losing interest in dressing up. She was going to go with her usual themed witch costume, but now seems to be leaning towards a Moaning Myrtal (from Harry Potter) costume, despite Hermione fitting her personality better. peep

Daniel Tiger's not a Lion! I suspect this could be a case of a VERY specific demographic (it's for ages 2-4 from my recollection). Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood is an emotional development show based on Mister Roger's Neighborhood's Land of Make-believe. Daniel Tiger wears a red sweater jacket that zips up (believe me, this is where we were having a hard time. Unless it was $50 we couldn't find one that was red until we found one off of Ebay) just like Mister Rogers. He's also the son of Daniel Striped Tiger.

CLARK: No. I'm just worried I'm a jinx.
CLARK: Yeah. Let's face it, ever since she's known me, Lois's been kidnapped, frozen, pushed off buildings, almost stabbed, poisoned, buried alive and who knows what else, and it's all because of me.
-"Contact" (You're not her jinx, you're her blessing.)
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Mouse so glad you were not affected by the fire!


Multiple knitting projects. One, a pair of green socks, is for my mother-in-law. help

Catching up on my reading, finally finished Titan, the bio of John D. Rockefeller. shocked


Getting the back yard ready for winter. Lots of weed pulling.

Responding to the call of the muse and in the process of writing - even at work. One of these days the boss is going to catch me. shock

TV? What is that?

Hope to see new stories on the boards soon!


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.
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I assist in running a fansite for an actress, which consists of a main site, forum and gallery. Other than the technical aspects pretty much all of the work falls to me. It keeps me pretty busy.

I moderate the forum, making sure things run smoothly and take care of spammers. I also have to keep the forum and main site up-to-date with any news regarding projects, photoshoots, events, etc... involving the actress. That requires doing a check multiple times a day, every day.

When the actress in starring in a show or movie is when I have the most work to do. There is always a lot of news to report, plus I'm expected to give personal reviews of everything, in addition to creating the screencaps, which is by far the most difficult and time-consuming duty. With screencap duty I have no time for anything else.

I just finished three months of that a couple months ago and then two days ago news came out that the actress landed a new series to start mid-season, which means I have another massive workload heading my way very soon. I'm excited for the new show, but not all the work it entails. But no one else is capable of doing the screencap work, so I'm stuck. Too many people count on me to do that job.

"Who's asking? Clark... or Superman?"
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Which actress, Lady Loisette?

"Oh, you can’t help that," said the Cat: "we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad."
"How do you know I’m mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn’t have come here.”

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Originally Posted by Annie B.
Which actress, Lady Loisette?
Yvonne Strahovski. She was in Chuck, then she guest starred in the last two seasons of Dexter and she was just in the 24: Live Another Day miniseries. Her casting in The Astronaut Wives Club was just announced on Tuesday. She's also done a few movies in between in her TV projects, both in the US and her home country of Australia.

I've been doing work for one of her fansites since 2011 and my responsibilities there keep growing.

"Who's asking? Clark... or Superman?"
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Originally Posted by Lynn S. M.
Virginia, congratulations on the job interview. I hope it goes smoothly. Remember, there's no such thing as a bad interview outcome. If you don't get the job, you will at least have gotten some experience with interviewing so that the next interview will go better. If you can go into the interview with this attitude, you'll be a lot more relaxed and will give a better interview than you would if you were instead to think that the only possible good that could come of the interview would be getting a job.
Thank you. I'm trying to go in well prepared.

My son seems like he is feeling better. I, on the other hand, have a head cold complete with a splitting sinus headache... I'm glad that because I am home for my son, I don't have to be at work right now.
Yes, I had that one last week. It has fallen into my chest, so now I'm not trying to cough on people. Loads of fun. (sarcasm.)

Originally Posted by Christina
Daniel Tiger's not a Lion! I suspect this could be a case of a VERY specific demographic (it's for ages 2-4 from my recollection). Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood is an emotional development show based on Mister Roger's Neighborhood's Land of Make-believe. Daniel Tiger wears a red sweater jacket that zips up (believe me, this is where we were having a hard time. Unless it was $50 we couldn't find one that was red until we found one off of Ebay) just like Mister Rogers. He's also the son of Daniel Striped Tiger.
peep Sorry, Christina. You mentioned the lion costume from last year and that's what my mind stuck on.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Well, it's been more than just the past month... peep More like the past four years... but I basically blame NaNoWriMo for it. No sooner had I started posting my first story here, back in '10 (literally, just the first chapter!), than NaNo came around, and my Babylon 5 muse apparently found Kryptonite and killed my L&C muse. goofy I've done NaNo every year since then, but other muses (Castle, SVU, Doctor Who) have consistently been more vocal. But last year, for one of the Camp NaNo sessions (which allow flexible word count goals), I actually went back to my L&C fic and finished writing it, and this year for NaNo I'm writing its sequel. So I'm hoping to stay active this time!

(Also, work basically ate my brain this year - one project lasted for five full months, when they're usually only 4-6 weeks! And I also have several shows I'm trying to keep up with: Castle, Doctor Who, SVU, Once Upon a Time, and Agents of SHIELD.)


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Originally Posted by VirginiaR
Deadly Chakram, congratulations on surviving the first year with twins. So have they started running off in opposite directions on you yet, or is that their goal for 2015? Excited to hear about your new story. clap

Thanks, Virginia! Not quite running in opposite directions. Ashley can just about run (she's been walking since 7 months - eep!) and Kayla crawls at super speed (she's only just starting to experiment with taking steps).

Yep, new, long story in the works and a few ideas brewing. I know I've missed a couple of yours - sorry! peep

Christina - congrats on the awesome news!

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon

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