
I decided, based on the feedback that I received from my first crossword puzzle, to try making a new one based on a single episode. I chose Strange Visitor, since it is one of my favourites, and I get the impression that a lot of other FoLC like it as well.

There is only one cryptic question in the puzzle, and it is indicated by a question mark. Those familiar with Scots should find that question quite easy.

I used the actual show as the basis for quotes. Note that there are places where the show differed from the transcripts.

So without further ado, here is the link to the new puzzle:

Strange Visitor crossword puzzle

As always, feedback welcome. Is it too easy? Too hard? Are there any particular clues you especially (dis)like? Did you like having so many quotes with fill in the blanks or would you prefer more of other types of clues?
