It's been a while since we did an update but we've managed to get all the videos that have been uploaded in the last 6-months listed on the Video and Trailer index pages.

(yeah, yeah we know ... took long enough. razz )

We've deleted about 15 videos that had nothing to do with Lois & Clark or Fanfic. If you find that your video was one of those deleted please remember that the FoLCVideo site is only for Lois & Clark music videos or fanfic trailers. Please refrain from uploading old ABC commercials or videos with Smallville content unless it's for a crossover fanfic.

If you feel that your video was deleted by mistake then please email us at

Also, we've noticed that there are several people who make videos that have their own host for them; however, we could still list you on our index page. Please send us a list of your videos (making sure to cite artist and song) and we'll be more than happy to index them.

Annette and the devil one. (Elena)

Annette wink
Boards Chief Administrator

"There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured by what is right with America." Bill Clinton, inaugural address, January 21, 1993