Want to know which great music vidders are going to be featured on the DVD and what they've made? Look no further!

"Baby Be Brave" - Corrs by JenniJac
"God Blessed the Broken Road" - Rascal Flatts by Kelly aka Lois Lane Wanna Be
"True" - Ryan Cabrerea by Anna Belcher
"Small Talk" - Roxette by LabRat First time vidder! Don't miss out on her first music video!
"Something To Sleep To" - Michelle Branch by Anna Belcher
"Rescue Me" - Aretha Franklin by Erica aka Mad Dog Lane
"Red" - Chevelle by Rachel aka Psychofurball
"I Want You To Want Me" - Letters to Cleo by Poussin

The fundraising committee would like to thank all our vidding volunteers for their creativity and hard work!

Remember, these videos will only be available on the DVD for an entire year! If you don't want to have to wait to see them, donate now! smile1

Fundraising Committee - FoLC Productions Division goofy

Kerth nominations are opening on March 3!
🏆2024 Kerth Award Posts 🏆.

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You can also find me on Tumblr and AO3.

Avatar by Carrie Rene smile