A friend lead me recently to the Vividcon community , which is like LAFF for vidders. It's multi-fandom peeps getting together to squee over vids. Anyway I wanted to put the link out there because the vids were so great and squee over my faves (I can't help it, I love fannish activity in its myriad forms).

The Flobot's Handlebars has gotten a lot of play recently being used with DW , Iron Man and BSG (non-vividcon).

My personal favorite is DW (it's so disturbing near the end OMG) followed by BSG, which has a different take on the song.

I also saw songs I wouldn't have expected, like Talib Kweli's Get By for Angel . Another rather heavy vid.

But by far the most ooh-ahh inducing vid I saw was This Is Matrix Life (Matrix Trilogy) You're saying oh duh The Matrix-that's like cheating and it is, but the synching of Tyler Durden's audio (Fight Club) on the track to the fight scenes is almost the most perfect thing I've ever seen. I'm not kidding, if you're gonna watch one vid for the visual squee, this should be it.

To end with something light and familiar, I also liked The Hourglass . It's multi-fandom with even some LnC thrown in smile . This one is all about the groundhog day trope which nearly all shows do at some point and how repetition with variation is fun and that is essentially what fannish work is about.

And there's much more in the comm--it worth bookmarking along with the massive vidding com on lj. Have fun!

wave alcyone

One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan