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Hack from Nowheresville
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Hack from Nowheresville
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You're even a genius tweaker! I must admit, I've been a tremendous pain in CC's patoot!. I've even been fired from my job as BR because I've been the most clueless BR in history! Why, I was the Andrus of BRing!


But, like Andrus, I desperately want CC to forgive me because, after all, I asked her to keep in the bakery. wink

But all's Wells that ends Wells as the Peacekeepers might say! This section is rockin' and rollin' along and I'm so in love with Hank and Madge (and now Elise).

Have a great trip, CC!


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Two weeks!! eek

We have to wait two weeks!! mad

Jose whinging

"Practice up your shielding spells...and remember to duck if you see green light coming your way."

Harry Potter to Wizengamot in OotP trial

A Bad Week in the Wizengamot
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LOL the bakery! Let's hope they are disguised as bakers! two weeks is too long! No fair! Get back here<g> Good job, this is a hoot! Laura

Clark: “If we can be born in an instant, and die in an instant, why can’t we fall in love in an instant?”

Caroline's "Stardust"
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Top Banana
Top Banana
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And of course it's Lois who finally realizes what's what. All he can come up with is a bakery..LOL! Poor Hank, he's lucky to have a kick @ss wife!

I am selfishly glad that you're on a mini-hiatus since I am off on vacation myself next week.

Great send off..can't wait for you to get back!!


Lois: Can I go?
Clark: No.
Lois: Oh come on, Clark, why do we go through this? We both know I’m going to go.
Clark: Then why do you ask?
Lois: I’m trying to be nice.
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Great piece.

Clark hated to crush her. Hated to be the sharp pin to her ballooning good mood, but... “I don’t think Silas knows what we’re talking about.”

“Yes, he does.” Lois didn’t pause in their walk... jog... down the hallway. “Tell him, Junior. You know. How could you not? That was a damned fine description.”

“I don’t,” Silas said, pleading apology in his eyes. “I’m wracking my brain and the only thing that even comes close is... the bakery.”
Why Andrew and not Hank or Maggie?

An important organization and the family don’t know about it?

Why haven Silas call for help already?

Tbc in two weeks! Thanks everyone and see you soon!
In two weeks!

More ASAP, please.


Maria D. Ferdez.
Don't like Luthor, unfinished, untitled and crossover story, and people that promises and don't deliver. I'm getting choosy with age.
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YES! YES! Take them to the bakery!

But with over 6 more parts promised, why do I think it won't be that easy? grumble

Wake me up when the two weeks are over.

Do you know the most surprising thing about divorce? It doesn't actually kill you, like a bullet to the heart or a head-on car wreck. It should. When someone you've promised to cherish till death do you part says, "I never loved you," it should kill you instantly.

- Under the Tuscan Sun
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Okay, I can wrap my head around it now. At first I must admit I had a small conniption when I realized Silas new nothing about the peacekeepers, et al. But then I took a nap, and I said to myself a few minutes after I woke up, "Jen, you realize Elise knows nothing about what her husband does, either." And so I sit in my bed 6 hours before I'm supposed to get up wondering why. Yes, the Lane-Kents are one of the most important families in existence. But they're just a family, and all they would want would be to be treated as such...just like everyone else. And for Utopia to be Utopia here, you can't just have smatterings of people know what real life is really like, besides the peacekeepers, of course. Granted, Tempus is someone that threatened their family many times, so in one sense, I would think they'd need to know about him...but it's supposed to be Utopia, right? Evil's not "supposed" to exist.

I don't know. My 1:30am mind is at odds.



Lois & Clark were the only people aware of the events that occurred in Tempus Fugitive & the alternate universe
Ah, so very true! Great point.

"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Actually, Shadow, I think you have a point. Lex Luthor got documented in the museum's history, but John Doe/Tempus didn't?

On second thought it does make sense: Lex Luthor was news. Lois & Clark were the only people aware of the events that occurred in Tempus Fugitive & the alternate universe, and "John Doe" got the public credit for the events in the third Tempus episode.

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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Waiting two full weeks for another update will definitely be a hard task but so far your story was great enough to keep up the suspense!

Okay, now you've killed my thought why they didn't ask about the Peacekeepers because they don't seem to be known publicly. With hindsight shocking Silas with Tempus was not so dumb wink
The other parts of the story around Hank and Maggie seem very heartfelt to me and they're a good addition to the main plot.

Thanks for this story so far, for giving us so many fast and regular updates - CC, you're doing a really great job thumbsup

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Top Banana
Top Banana
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Sometimes you have to reread from the beginning to find interesting plot points:

“Just as sure as death and taxes,” the man groaned. “And Lois, really. I read through hundreds of pages of this drivel- not much else for me to do during my most recent incarceration- and you got it wrong. It clearly states here...” He waved a book under their noses, “'I waited all night. The sun was rising when we left the building and flew into a sky streaked with pink and orange. Metropolis slept on, but for me, everything had changed...’”

“You know him?” Clark asked Lois.

“No,” she said adamantly. “And I have no idea what he’s rambling on about.”

“I’m not the one rambling in purple prose about first meetings and true love,” the man sneered. “And it isn’t even accurate, Lois! You’re a reporter, you ought to be ashamed. It’s pitch black outside, not yet one a.m. I came early to get the worm, and still not early enough. Because here you two are... together. Eternally, insufferably... together!”
Now if Tempus came earlier than Lois' diary stated, then a possible conclusion to the story is that they end up returning in the morning, when the sun is rising, having forgetten everything that happened in Utopia.

Anyway, two weeks will go by quickly, but unfortunately for me, I will be on vacation for one of those weeks, and could really get caught up on my reading...oh well.

Have a great trip!


"Together we are stronger than each of us is apart"
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Beat Reporter
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Good point - that's an interesting idea and it makes a lot of sense. One of the neat things about time travel, tucked in among all the paradoxes, is that something like that could happen, bringing them back to the present later than when they left, but in time to "fulfill" the future's story of the day of Superman's debut.

Of course, they could also return at that time but still have their memories of events. They've been fast-forwarded in time, and their relationship has been fast-forwarded as a result. They've gone from Lois's awe of this strikingly different man, to a CK=S revelation, to a return of Lois's initial behavior to Clark, to disbelief at what they are seeing and hearing around them, to acceptance and love in the most recent parts.

We've seen some nice things and some unappealing things about Utopia. The Superman museum is over-the-top. A museum dedicated to Superman is, in itself, not actually that hard to believe, as it's the sort of thing humanity would do for someone universally admired. Even having actors role-playing parts isn't necessarily a bad thing, or unexpected, really. But this particular museum is so theatrical, so overdone...

If Lois and Clark make it back to their time with their memories of recent events intact, their fast-forwarded relationship may not harm the time line. Yes, it's happened sooner, but the end result looks like it'll be the same - the founding of a family responsible for bettering the future. And frankly, forwarned is forearmed - maybe they'd be able to dilute some of the stuff that makes the current Utopia a bit unappealing.

Poor old Tempus may actually end up doing Utopia a favor goofy .


TicAndToc :o)


"I have six locks on my door all in a row. When I go out, I lock every other one. I figure no matter how long somebody stands there picking the locks, they are always locking three."
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Hi CC,

I've been away for the weekend and have just caught up and all I can say is, how could you do this to your poor readers? wink

Don't get me wrong, the story is as wonderful and compelling as ever, but how can you leave us here for two weeks, worrying over Utopia and it's wonderful inhabitants? frown

But, that said, I know real life is every bit as important as fanfic... did I just admit that? I should bite my tongue! wink

Hurry back, CC, and this is one reader who will be waiting, not so patiently, for the next part. smile

Yours Jenni

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And another fun part. smile

The good cop/bad cop theme had me in stitches, especially when Lois knew instinctively which one she'd be playing then blinked when Silas suddenly became the bad cop. LOL!

She felt her cheeks grow warm. Silas was watching her closely. “No, not... really,” she said, in the same instant Clark spoke a quiet, “We aren’t.”
Gah! Lois ... Lois ... Lois is holding even more tightly to the idea that they are married than Clark. Oh, so good ...

Silas’s stern look softened immediately. “God. I’m sorry. It’s... the clone, right? You guys are in that in between place now? Should be married, but aren’t yet. And... well... that was the one thing I just couldn’t... well, not the only thing, certainly, but definitely one of the big ones I just couldn’t fathom... so terrible.”

The look Clark gave her was wary, bordering on fearful. “Why do I feel like we don’t want to know?”
Major, major woobie lip time. Believe me, Silas, I know exactly what you mean. (And another nice nod to future as fandom.)

Clark’s hand moved to her back, rubbing lightly up and down her spine, his fingers smoothing the tense muscles in her shoulders. He was doing it entirely unconsciously; one look at him told her he was miles away. Maybe someplace watching the demise of an entire society. Of their every living relative. The future of millions.

Krypton all over again.
You know what gets me about this part? Not just that she goes to him for comfort and he instinctively gives it (probably getting it for himself at the same time, just by touching her), but the next part ... the Krypton part. Because it's *Lois* who thinks this. The soulmates thing, the bond, the deep, powerful *understanding* that they have between them ... is right here. She knows him. Knows his mind. Knows his heart and his fears. Even after just a few weeks. Two hundred years and a few weeks, but all the same. It's beautiful.

“It’s bad.” His voice shook precariously on the last word. “Really bad. And once I tell you, if I tell you, then I can’t... untell you, and you might wish I could.” Tears he had spent days fighting spilled over, hot on his cheeks, and she blurred to his vision.

“If it hurts you, I want you to tell me.” There was no hesitancy in her voice.
I love him ... love them. And am I the only one who can't help but picture Lois and Clark in this scene? I can't remember if you gave us physical descriptions in the earlier parts, so maybe Hank and Elise are blond and look nothing like our L&C, but the way they interact, the way he loves her so intensely yet takes the weight of the world on his shoulders to protect her and her family ... it's very Superman-ish, even if he doesn't have powers. Whether he has Clark's soul or not, he's a true hero.

Beside him, Lois tensed and her eyes flew wide. He felt the jolt run between them like a current. “Helpers...” she murmured.
Ah! The jolt; the bond. Minor mention, yes, but I'm a big fan of the bond coming out in subtle ways like this so ... thanks. smile

He set her down. Lois beamed at him, grabbed his face between her hands and kissed him back soundly. “That was so easy, Clark. Why didn’t we think of that before?”

He raised his hands to cover hers, casting about for just the right words for this moment. “Believe me, Lois, I thought of this right away. The very first day. The very first second I saw you. I just didn’t think you would...”

Wait, whispered a small, still sane voice inside his head. Hang on.

“...um...what are we talking about... exactly?” he finished somewhat lamely.
ROTFL!!! Literally! Well, almost. But I did laugh so hard and so long that my husband poked his head down the stairs and said, "Are you OK? What could possibly be so funny??" LOL!

And then the ending ... the last scene ... fabulous dialogue, CC! From "He loads new data kind of slow" to "Lucky for them they're so good looking" ... awesomely fun! And, "the bakery". What a way to end it ... just so freakin' brilliant, you are. smile smile smile

You know what this reminds me of? The middle point of an hour episode. You know, how they always spend the first fifteen minutes setting up the problem, then the second fifteen minutes building up the seriousness of the problem until it reaches a crescendo ... and then the next two acts are devoted to running around to find the actual solution.

And that's where we're at! The extra long commercial break at the half-hour ... a two week long commerical break. That's a lot of Pepsodent.

Sigh. This is when I need my fanfic TiVo to do some time shifting.

Have a safe and wondeful trip, CC. We'll all be eagerly awaiting your return. smile


EDITED TO ADD: Now that I've read the earlier comments, I'm surprised that so many readers are shocked Silas doesn't know about the Peacekeepers. To me, that was a given. If Silas thought Tempus was a comic book character, why would he know about time cops and peacekeepers? They have clearly gone to a lot of trouble to make sure no one knows -- not even Elise, and she's married to one of them -- so there was never any doubt in my mind that Silas would have no clue what Lois and Clark were talking about. Indeed, the mere fact that he thought about the bakery at all makes me proud of the boy's observation skills. smile

As per what I said on nfic fdk, I have to hurry cause my cheap net connection goes dead if I pause too long, but GREAT, Awesome reading!!! I love this story, and hate the idea that there's gonna be a pause and yet, I UNDERSTAND!! Believe me.

So Everybody else has pointed out the good spots let me concur and say keep going!! LOVE IT!!
thumbsup clap hail


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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
Joined: Oct 2004
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I love this story and your writing, it's awesome.

I'm gonna have to wait like two weeks for more? Well, I bet it'll be worth the wait.

In this life of froth and bubble,
Two things stand like stone.
Kindness in another's trouble,
Courage in your own.
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two... weeks... thud !!!


“…with God everything is possible.” Matthew 19:26.

Also read Nan's Terran Underground!
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Top Banana
Top Banana
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This is all so good. I know I say that every feedback folder, but this time I *really* mean it.

Thank you for your great, insightful comments. You're so smart! Have I mentioned??

Also, the rest of this piece has just landed with a loud kerplop into the collective laps of my BRs. (Those who encouraged me to keep the bakery when I almost chickened out are certainly included in that number, no matter how badly they beat me up. And, oh, it was baaaad...<g>)

Now if I may brag just the tiniest bit (if I get insufferable, do cover your eyes and I'll apologize ahead of time...), the whole fic works out to 18 parts! 18!!

Ok, if you consider that once upon I time I thought it would be four parts and I'd write it in a long weekend, that's not quite a victory.

But let's not consider that. Instead, I'm thinking back to when I pulled out all the pieces, took a good long look, and feared I was looking at a 30 part fic... whinging

18 parts, people! dance

Only six more to go, and they'll be up on schedule next week.

Thank you for staying with me. Can't tell you how well I appreciate it. (I know I always say that, but this time I *really* mean it.)


You mean we're supposed to have lives?

Oh crap!

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Next week ... like, a whole week from now? Still?


Kathy (who is glad CC returned from her trip safe and sound. And who REALLY hopes those BRs will hurry up and edit the rest of the story so we can get these final six parts. You know, we won't hold it against you if you decide to start posting before next week. Tomorrow is Tuesday, after all, and a Thursday and Saturday do follow it. You could, you know, just kind of forget you said that about two weeks ...)

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Go, Betas, Go!!!! jump angel-devil
It's tough waiting! And yes, I'm glad you kept the bakery.

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So I was thinking about Silas today. Yeah... I know, sanity has left the building, but we knew that. wink Anyhoo... I started thinking about Silas and the fact that he hasn't told anyone that he has a few of what's left of the Super genes. He'd just assume not tell anyone because then it'd be expected of him to join the Justice League (assuming that's what it was called - too lazy to double check goofy ), which he's told us isn't so much functional but for the purpose of keeping the Utopians happy and doing a little government-type work.

I'll spare you the Demolition Man tangent, but if you've seen the movie, you'll know what I mean.

Silas wants something to happen so he can feel useful. Something to give his life meaning. Maybe (since CC is *not* going to be evil and erase their wonderful memories - or at least not all of them wink ) when Lois and Clark get back to their time, things in Utopia will shift just a little bit and not massively... because, really, Lois and Clark still fall in love and get married so it can't change that much, right? goofy Maybe it'll change just enough to the point where a little Super help might be needed at times. And maybe Silas will find that sense of purpose after all.

Don't mind me... just throwing ideas a la KathyB, wondering if they'll hit the mark... hoping that I don't hit it too squarely and have CC mad at me for revealing the ending. laugh

Haven't even read part 12 yet... trying to hold out just a *wee* bit longer so I don't have to wait for 13 so long. goofy Have no fear, I'll be back with comments later. smile


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