Hi all,
A bunch of us Dean fans are doing something nice for Dean's birthday. We are donating money to a charity called the Malibu Foundation. Here is a link to the charity.

I talked to Michael Klubock today he is the head of and founder of the Malibu foundation. We had a 20 minute conversation and he was very nice. He is trying to get a pay pal account set up on his site to donate just for Dean fans. If he can't do that soon we will just send his foundation donations at the address on his site.

I will let you know how it goes. He would rather it be through pay pal but we'll see what happens.

Meanwhile we sent Steve Small, Dean’s last agent that we know of, a letter telling him what we are doing. We are not sure that he is still his agent but maybe he will let us know who is if he isn't.

I also forwarded a fan,Jami, the letters from Mike's organization that I composed with his help. Jami will send the info to his publicist, she has the information from his sister Krisinda.

I sent to his old publicist as well, just in case.

We would like Dean to know what we are doing for him and we would like to give him a certificate with the information on how the money was used for the foundation. Michael will send me the info of how much and what it was used for in July as it gets closer to Deans birthday.

I will put it in certificate form and mail it to who ever decides to send it to Dean. Hope fully his publicist, agent or friend will allow us to send on the information.

I will keep you posted on how things progress.
I think this is a really nice thing to do for him. He deserves the honor.

Clark: “If we can be born in an instant, and die in an instant, why can’t we fall in love in an instant?”

Caroline's "Stardust"