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I can't just be me.

Is it? Just me?

Because what *didn't* we see?

A big, fat meteor shower! Jor-el! Lana's extreme tatoo-removal!! The shiny pyramid thing! Chloe saves Clark. (woo-hoo!) Lex is the 'son his father always wanted'. Lionel catatonic in the... matrix... kinda.

For those of you who still believe Erica Durance really is Lois, there was a nice bit of Lois with the Kents "You're like parents to me." And one of my favorite aspects of this show has always been the chemistry with Pa Kent and Clark. Something we've seen less of this season, but which always resonates. The send off when they know he's going to stay and be Supermanish, the speech about the wide-eyed toddler becoming <sniff> "the man who is standing in front of us." <sniff>.

And let's talk about the man, shall we? Burdened, scared, but determined to do what he has to. Get him a cape and some boots to match!!

Also, I'm so glad he got handed his diploma before the sky fell. Considering everything that came next, that small kindness is greatly appreciated. I was just waiting for it to be given to the person right in front of him... then the military- interruptus, all their weapons showing. (What were they going to shoot?)

The three stones- objects of this season's mind-boggling, they're-trying-to-kill-my-love-of-Smallville mythos- came together to form a really nice chandelier ornament, don't you think?

But, dudes, if that crystal lands in the snow and one big Fortress of Solitude grows from it, I will forgive the Smallville writers everything.

Alicia. The krypto freaks they never spent even one line on explaining. Clark and Lana's dance at the prom. Even last night's kiss and I love you. And Lana not dying, though I was a tiny bit hopeful when her helicopter went down. All if it. Forgiven. Totally.

Clark looks very much like a guy who will be Super. Lex, very much like our Sexy Prince of Darkness.

More Chloe needed, but that's always, always true.

Ok. I'm taking your comments here. Go ahead, tell me why it sucked, MacDad. And I will tell you why you're wrong!


You mean we're supposed to have lives?

Oh crap!

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I posted this in a new thread, then saw that my sister, Daddy Mac, had already started this one. So here's my post. I'll be back to reply to her after I read what she said. I'm sure she's wrong on so many levels. wink


Just when I thought I'd broken free. Just when I'd decided that the Clana was about to smother me and really, there is no reason to spend an hour of my life every Wednesday suffering through the misery.

Those rats Millar and Gough do something to yank me right back in. Jerks!

First, I have to get a few things off my chest.

Um...didn't I say it right here? The bit about Jason pulling a Glen Close/Fatal Attraction I'm-not-really-dead-and-have-now-come-to-kill-you manuever? *knowing sigh* /me brushes knuckles against the front of her shirt I'm telling you, I could *write* this stuff.

And...okay, just go with me here. You've just murdered the mother of your ex-boyfriend after having your body possessed by a centuries-old witch. Do you as quickly as possible run to your bathroom and scrub your hands clean of the blood that now covers them, taking the mysterious and highly-sought-after stone turned murder weaopon with you for a good rinsing? No, not if you are Lana Lang. If you are Lana Lang, you take your bloody self to the Luthor mansion, where Lex will have you wash your hands in the study/den/living room in a pewter bowl, as if he lives in the eighteenth century and running water hasn't yet been installed. Not only that, but make sure to skip the antibacterial soap because, you know, it's a pretty good bet that Genevieve Teague was germ and disease-free.

Oh, and later, when you give said murder-weapon to your boyfriend for safekeeping, don't worry about him asking questions like why in the hell it is all covered in blood because chances are, he won't.

Other than that very obnoxious lack of realism, I loved this episode.

Wow, haven't typed that sentence in ages.

I loved the tension. I really felt it, even sweating slightly (okay, I didn't really sweat, but I thought about sweating and would have if it hadn't been only 67 degrees in my house) when Clark was rushing to find the stones.

The stones which actually, very conveniently, found him. How fortuitous.

Wait, stop, I liked this episode. Who cares that if it weren't for Lana and Lionel, mankind would have been completely incinerated. Except it was Lana's fault in the first place because she used one of the stones to STAB SOMEONE. She's the one who awakened the meteor gods. Geez. And then she *still* managed to miss getting hit by a particularly large chunk and surviving a helicopter crash. I think Lana must be from Krypton.

Okay, I didn't say that. /me sweats it out that M&G might get some crazy wild ideas if they happen this way and read that last little bit.

Actually, back up. That whole fight between Lana and Genevieve cracked me up. Mostly because there even was a fight. I mean, Lana pulled out her Pink Power Ranger moves to kick the gun out of Genevieve hands, then proceeded to get her butt kicked by a woman who had to be twice her age plus half. What is that?

No. I loved this episode. I really did. So no bad stuff. Forget the bad stuff.

Loved the apples everywhere. The bowl of red apples sitting on the coffee table in Lex's study. The bowl of red and green apples in Lana's apartment. I kept thinking of Snow White and expecting Lana to pick up an apple, take a bite, fall into a swoon of death and wake-up surrounded by dwarves. Who would then proceed to eat her or at least lock her up in their diamond mine. Or maybe that was just my fantasy.

This episode reminded me why I like Tom Welling. Because he is so dang cute!

Chloe, kicking some butt and taking names. They totally got me when it turned out to be Chloe who pulled Clark out of the Kryptonite-range. I was on the edge of my seat, wondering how he was going to escape, and I'd totally forgotten that she'd headed in that direction.

Hated Jonathan's little speech to Clark about how all the raising he and Martha had done was for this one moment, and that Clark should make them proud. Uh, Pappa Duke, the guy's just been told that he alone can stop the annihalation of the entire human race and his own destruction. Don't think he needs that little extra pressure of worrying about disappointing the folks.

So...of course I'll tune in next season. What is that mysterious black ship Lana has discovered (thereby further insinuating herself into the Superman mythos in a way that defies disgust)? Will that crystal that Clark tossed land in the snow and the Fortress of Solitude will spring forth just in time to educate Clark on how to stop the world from exploding?

Will Lex kill Chloe?

Will Clark ever figure out that Chloe knows everything?

Best stuff ever - when Lois tells the Kents she had a nightmare about a guy wearing a red cape. LOL!! And then as she was telling the Kents she had to leave and Clark was so clearly happy to hear it. I love the sparks that fly between Tom Welling and Erica Durance.

Then, in the loft, when they are discussing their respective futures and Lois nails it. She'll end up partnered with the most bumbling reporter ever to have a byline. Fabulous! It's cool the way they are letting us *see* Lois and Clark in the future via Lois and Clark's interchanges since clearly Smallville can never really take us there.

Because taking us into the relationship of Lois and Clark would taint the Temple of the Clana. Gag.

BTW - do you notice that I'm intentionally not mentioning the "I love yous" exchanged between Clark and Lana? As far as I'm concerned, they never happened. Nope. I didn't hear it. Lalalalalalalalalala. Can't heaaaarrr it....

Really, though, I don't understand why M&G can't see how much better this program is when they focus on the mythos stuff and the things that push Clark towards being Superman. This episode rocked in that manner. It's only when they stagnate with the Clana that they fall flat on their faces. Why is it that 90% of the fans can see this but the show's creators can't manage it?


You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah
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And now my reply to Daddy Mac....

Where we agree:

And Lana not dying, though I was a tiny bit hopeful when her helicopter went down.
Amen and sing it, sister!! I was thinking exactly that. Which is really evil on my part. But I was saying it, even so. Come on, crash. Come on, crash with a big firey explosion in which nothing could ever survive...alas, it could never be.

The three stones- objects of this season's mind-boggling, they're-trying-to-kill-my-love-of-Smallville mythos- came together to form a really nice chandelier ornament, don't you think?
LOL! I wonder if you can get that at the WB gift store? It'd make a lovely paperweight for my desk.

But, dudes, if that crystal lands in the snow and one big Fortress of Solitude grows from it, I will forgive the Smallville writers everything.
Yes! I so much can't wait to see that. Except I hope they do some better special effects than in the Christopher Reeves/Superman movies when all those Land of the Lost leftover props just popped out of the ground and the only furniture was a pappasan chair with a silver space blanket.

But here's where the love ends...

And one of my favorite aspects of this show has always been the chemistry with Pa Kent and Clark. Something we've seen less of this season, but which always resonates. The send off when they know he's going to stay and be Supermanish, the speech about the wide-eyed toddler becoming <sniff> "the man who is standing in front of us." <sniff>.
Nope, this just annoyed me. Pappa Duke's speech straight out of the book Platitudes Designed To Induce Supreme Guilt In Your Children. Hated his little spiel to Clark and would have been much happier with just a "I love you, son. Be careful!"

Actually, now that I think about it, this finale was kind of like the Season 1 finale in a lot of ways. Lana alone, faced natural disaster and is injured and ends up in the middle of some freaking corn field (Season 1 was the tornado and Lana in the truck). Pappa Duke involved with some kind of homicidal madman in a struggle to the death (Season 1 was that creepy reporter).

I'm not sure I'm loving that Lois was involved with the meteor shower. When she mentioned that she was leaving, I figured she'd be gone for most of the episode. And while I'm happy to have Erica Durance on screen with Clark as much as possible, M&G have just taken another giant leap away from the plausibility of Lois Lane not knowing immediately that Superman is Clark Kent.

So, Daddy Mac, no huge debates. We'll always have Paris...


You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah
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Bo Kent just ascribes to the tough love philosophy of parenting. It isn't for everyone, but when you're raising a Superhero, probably for the best.

Clark didn't even get a night of drinking and marauding to celebrate highschool graduation... not that anyone I know did that... I'm just saying. Instead, he was pretty much told he had to save the world or else.

So, once the Kents knew he wasn't going with them. And, you know, they never, ever give Martha enough to say. They just don't. That has bothered me from day one. But Annette O'Toole has learned to compensate, because she says it all with the melting, you're tearing my heart out, mom looks. Anyway, she's melting appropriately, and Bo Kent is giving our Clark the ultimate 'Go Get 'Em, You were made for this moment' peptalk.

Just the push Clark needs. Also, if he doesn't succeed, you just know he's grounded. No more driving the truck. So, extra motivation.

Oh, and the truck. Heh. Loved that Jason- who became so much more interesting to me once he went completely crazy- shot the windows out, because... how many abused/ blown up trucks are we up to? It's like they're lined up on a giant bingo card somewhere.

On the whole, we're on the same page here, MacDad. Awesome ending. Roll on season five!


You mean we're supposed to have lives?

Oh crap!

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OK, I admit it. I'm on vacation, and I watched the finale live, then rewound it and watched it another 3-4 times (I've lost count!)

What did it accomplish?

1) Clark finally graduated (Yay!)
2) Lex turned to the dark side (another YAY!)
3) Finally the stones became the crystal (Yay!)
4) Interactions between Clark and Lois were very cute and done well.
5) Chloe had a big part of the story
6) Hopefully the FOS for Season 5 and Clark learning to fly (it's about time - canon states he started flying at age 18 - OK, we made it to Season Five in spite of some VERY SILLY episodes this season - let's show him learning to fly)

What I didn't like (and I'll get to my real pet peeve later)...

1) The whole Lana story line for the past 4 years. You know, TPTB should use the KISS method (Keep it simple you stunads). Lana should have just been Clark's childhood sweetheart and best friend. He should have shared his secret with her by now. The whole witch thing - SILLY
2) Clark being THAT stupid that he doesn't realize that Chloe knows his secret by now.
3) Lana dragging herself up a mound of dirt when she obviously broke her leg. Where's her cell phone? Call for help, don't drag yourself up a hill just so (dramatic license here) you can see the mysterious S-insignia shaped ship.

And my biggest peeve:

How did Lana get to the Kents' house when she was sequestered away by Lex to the mansion? THe scene prior, the Kents were outside packing up the pickup truck, Clark tells them he can't go with them....at no time did we see Lana drive up. Next thing, Clark walks into the barn and there's Lana...

I assume that it's miles between the mansion and the Kent farm, so she didn't walk. Did she steal one of Lex's vehicles? How did she sneak away anyway??>

Sometimes I think that there are scenes that are filmed that actually explain this stuff, but they are edited out for time's sake. I have to say - that kind of editing stinks, because it makes the viewers scratch their heads.

At times we blame the writers for insulting our intelligence, but it's really the fault of the editing!

ANYWAY, after all that, I must have loved it anyway because I did watch it 5-6? lost track! times already!

What a long summer it will be!

I think one of you - Lynn, CC or both of you - should write the season opener for us this summer, in case the Season Five opener disappoints, we can keep re-reading yours! <G>


"Together we are stronger than each of us is apart"
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But, dudes, if that crystal lands in the snow and one big Fortress of Solitude grows from it, I will forgive the Smallville writers everything.
Ditto. That would be awesome. And I really want to see Clark have to explain everything to Chloe outside of a fanfic for once.

I believe there's a hero in all of us that keeps us honest, gives us strength, makes us noble, and finally allows us to die with pride, even though sometimes we have to be steady and give up the thing we want the most. Even our dreams. -- Aunt May, Spider-Man 2
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I still haven't decided if I liked that episode or not.

First of all, was there a reason for them to have Lois leaving town before the meteor shower? They could have left all that out and nothing about the episode would have changed, except for watching Clark's face as he can't stop grinning at the prospect of Lois leaving. Come on, Clark. You know you like her. I think these two enjoy pretending to hate each other so much that they'll continue sparring like that long after they're married.

I'm wondering if that means Erica Durance didn't get her contract renewed and won't be around for next season. That'd be a tragedy. I like her. It didn't hurt that I saw her on Stargate SG-1 first and got to like her there. Anyone know if she'll be back next season?

I liked those lines Lois gave about having a nightmare about a guy in a red cape and about being paired up with the most bumbling reporter in town. lol

And what's up with the Kents? Weren't they in the least bit curious what Clark was going to do? Clark gives this serious, "I can't go with you" speech but never bothered to tell them why or what he's off to do. The Kents have a serious lack of curiosity about what's going on. Bo Kent gives this big speech about how proud he was of Clark. How did he know Clark wasn't just going to go hide in a cave or ice fortress somewhere? How about one line of, "Where are you going, Clark?" Or of Clark saying, "I have to go save the world, dad." Nope, zilch. Just because we saw Jor-El telling Clark that creating ice crystals was man's salvation didn't mean that the Kents knew it all unless the writers are giving them first person omnicient viewpoint. But if they did, how come they didn't know that Jason was on his way?

Btw, a crazy Jason is a perfect match for Lana. How about putting them back together next season? wink Maybe he'll kill her early on? We can always hope.

I was also praying that the chopper would go down in a huge fireball. Come on, meteors! Go! Just a little to the left. Darn, all you did was hit the tail. Missed her.

At least Lana wasn't with Clark the whole episode. It would have really sucked if she were.

Whoo hoo for Chloe. She would have made the perfect Lois. I suppose Clark could always go to Utah and marry both cousins. (yeah, I know they outlawed it, but maybe somewhere...) wink

I'm still a bit unclear how building a big ice fortress is going to save the world. I guess that's what next season is going to be about. But why would people wanting to destroy the earth want to be doing it in Smallville?

-- Roger

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I'm wondering if that means Erica Durance didn't get her contract renewed and won't be around for next season. That'd be a tragedy. I like her. It didn't hurt that I saw her on Stargate SG-1 first and got to like her there. Anyone know if she'll be back next season?
She will be back, and I am so happy for it. smile

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I finally got to see the season finale last night. Canadian television picks up Smallville seven days later than you do in the States.

And wasn't it an hour and a half episode? How come we only got an hour? Although from what I've read they haven't left anything out--although a few deaths would have been nice.

Well, what a disappointment. I watched the show with my daughter and together we cheered the deaths of Lana, Jason, and Lionel on. We were cheering for a losing team, that's for sure. Couldn't one of them bite the dust? Are they really necessary? And what's with that Kryptonian script ball twirling around in Lionel's eye?

I don't know why I bother watching this show other than Tom Welling is hot and I dream that the show will find it's way back to the traditional Superman mythos. What is wrong with TPTB?

And even with Tom (uhm Clark) up in the the Artic (and he does look good with the red jacket, blue t-shirt against the white) which is reminiscent of the first Superman movie with Chris Reeve, who knows how the writers are going to blow it.

Well, I for one am not disappointed because I thought this episode was a typical of the lame-brained stuff the writers have been putting out. At least one character is living up to his potential. Lex: I am the villain of this story. (It's about time.)

And that's my belated (and Canadian) 2 cents (which probably equals .165).


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