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Hey everyone, Kryptonsite.com hasn't posted a transcipt of what happened at the San Diego Comic Con yet, but they've got pictures up and there is a nice photo of Erica and Allison together.

Anyways, here's a transcript posted by mistame:
I'm in the middle of getting all the questions down but it's almost 4am so I'll post what I have now and continue tomorrow. I recorded the Q&A and tried as best I could to get the accuracy down. This is about the first 20 minutes:

hi, love the show. I especially love the scene at the end of the 3rd season where lex is discussing with Clark the legend of numan, and he's re-telling the story so that he's kind of the hero in disguise. So I was wondering, as the character evolves, whether or not you're gonna kind of go in that direction with Lex seeing himself as the noble hero even though he's acting kind of villian-like.
A (Millar): Uh, yes, actually. That is how I think most great villians see themselves, as heros and as noble saviors, so yes that was absolutely the intent

Q: Is Clark gonna have any complicity in Lex's devolving into a villian?
A (Gough): Yeah, absolutely. Clark is completely instrumental in why Lex becomes a villian. (cont 4:15ish)

Q: With the limits that DC seems to put on the series, has there been any movement in the talks with them when it comes to letting you do a little more with the characters or in a worse case, letting you do less with them? What sort of arguments have you had with them where you have gotten them to allow you to do something?
A (Millar): Well it's not really...we haven't had arguments, but we've had discussions. The biggest one was bringing Lois Lane onto the show for, uh, 13 episodes. And that was a conversation, it just took awhile to sort of figure out what the parameters were gonna be on that. You know the other things would be that we had to deal with the no other kryptonians in Smallville and the reason you only hear Jor-El's voice and you don't see Jor-El, um, was also coming out of things that had to do with themovie, but now that that version of the movie is dead, you know, Bryan Singer has his own version, we don't know what other effects that'll have on us at this point. But that have been good and understanding in support of Smallvile to keep the Superman legend alive for this generation.

Q: Basically, my question is: I don't understand why everyone in Smallville, including the women and girls just worship Lana Lang, because it really messes up the story. *crowd cheers*
A (Gough): well, in this season that's all about to change. So I think we're gonna see a whole new Lana and a whole new set of characters which we're pretty excited about
Q (cont.): I'm kind of concerned more about how other people react to her rather than how she is.
A: Well I think that characters react to how she is. She comes back changed, and she will be. I think that's something we've been working on for a long time.

Q: I love the show, and I love John in the show *crowd cheers*.
John: Thank you very much.
Q (cont.): But I have a question about the movie. *crowd laughs as glover looks jokingly confused*
Glover: Meet me after, alright?
Miller: No, John won't be playing Superman in the movie.
Q (cont.): Will Tom?
Miller: No.
*crowd awwwww's and boo's in disapointment*
Millar: It's not my ****in movie, I don't know.
*crowd cheers*

Q: Hi, I love the show. I realize bringing Lois Lane in this eason was a huge step, so this maybe looking too far ahead, but is there any truth at all to the rumor of the intention to do an episode or a couple episodes featuring the Bruce Wayne Character?
A (Millar): We had talked about that early on, ou know, with season 1, season 2, but with Batman Begins coming out next summer that really got put on the back-burner, so since they are making a new Batman film, that really deals with Batman's origins. So it won't be happening unfortuneately.

Q: I'd like to uh, 2 questions. I'd like to praise you and scold you for one thing. Praise you if you could bring Krypto, not a super-dog, but Krypto into Clark's life since that was part of the comic book. Also, we have thousands and thousands of Smallville fans, and I was here last year. No offense, where's Lois, where's Clark, Where's LEX! That's what we wanna see. I love Lionel, don't get me wrong, you're a great actor, but those are the 3 major characters. You guys the producers bring them to the con! *crowd boo's this jackass*
A (Millar): WEll we have a couple people coming, and uh, you know we shoot in Vancouver and their schedule makes it very difficult sometimes to get people out and to get people down.
Gough: You would not believe how many efforts they made to come down, but they were shooting until 4:30am last night, and Tom works at 6am on Monday morning so we can't wear out our cast like that unfortunelately.
Millar: also, we can't get them down on a plane. They'd love to be here, they had every intention to be here.

Q: Hey, um, John Glover, um, which part did you think that was better for you, like um, um, was Batman and Robin the best thing that you played or did you like Smallville better?
A (John): Well I was kissed to death by Uma Thurman. If they would let me kiss a little in Smallville...

Q: Are we actually gonna see Clark Kent and Lana Lang back together again in this season?
A (Millar): No.
*crowd cheers*
Glover: You all don't have opinions do you? (in sarcastic tone)

Q: Alright guys, now that Lois has been kind of introduced to the whole Smallville neighborhood, I guess you kind of answered the question with him [the previous question] that Clark and Lana are kind of done but does that mean the relationship's kinda reach its climax and it's gonna reach into a new direction, you know, Clark realizing there's more to life than Lana Lang, and will that come full circle and meet again at one point for, obviously, you have to move back out into Metropolis land?
A (Gough): Absolutely, eventually, but I think for the next season they will not be together,we will not play that relationship. We will introduce 2 new characters, one of which you will see in the first new episode, Lois Lane in the 1st episode. Jason Akles has joined the cast, is a great great actor.
Millar: He'll play Lana's new love interest that she meets in Paris....who's not french.
Gough: He brings a new element to the show. We also introduce a whole new mythology as well which we will unravel throughout the season putting the caaves to rest, Jor-El to rest, new things into the show which I think are exciting and fresh.
Millar: New things in the mythology that you all know and love and have memorized. It's also their senior year so they're finally gonna graduate. You know, at 27 years old we thought it was about time for Tom to graduate.

Q: Since wwe won't be able to meet Bruce this season, what other characters from the DC universe will we have a chance to meet this season, and what's up with Pete?
A (Millar): Pete is gone, he's moved to Witchataw. We may see him in a couple episodes come back as a guest star. We were actually talking to DC about a couple other characters that they will, you know, realease from the dungeon of feature development and open it to let us use on the show, but none we can announce right now.

Q: I love the show. Everything you've done with the show is very good, and Mr. John Glover, I wanted to ask you a question. You're very excellent at playing Lioneland I was wondering, do you have a favorite Lionel episode or moment?
A (Glover): Well Memoria was great for Lionel and Lex because you could see the love they have for each other. *crowd laughs*
Glover: No, you laugh but I'm serious! It's alll based on love. Don't forget that. Lionel is your friend.
Q (cont.): So you don't see Lionel as evil
Glover: Lionel is not an evil man *speaking as if he knows that's total bull*. He is driven, but he is not evil, so his choices maybe a little...wonky, misguided, pick a word.

Q: Mr Glover:how did you feel about shaving off all your hair in the season finale?
A (Millar): It was John's idea.
Glover: I offered it up.
Q (cont.): Wow.
Glover: Why??
Q (cont.): No, I said wow
Glover: Oh, wow. Yeah don't I look great? *rubs his head as crowd cheers*


Q: Hey fellas, I'm a big fan of yours. I've got 2 questions. First: are we gonna see any recurring villains that have been mutated by the Kryptonite as a regular rouges gallery? and the second question is: what's been the most difficult/labor-of-love story arc to have ever shot?
A (Gough): Well we've always wanted to have recurring villains and it's kind of tricky to find the right cast members. We did a couple last season when we had Johnathan Taylor Thomas and when Van came back
(Loeb to Gough: Shawn Ashmore came back.
Gough: Shawn Ashmore who was great, loved him and there were a couple from last season. Tina Greer came back. Yes, we've had a few. The hardest thing we've had to shoot...some things we kept on trying to do for years and we finally cracked them, but it's...
Millar: I mean, Memoria we've wanted to do since season 1. That's sort of going back and seeing that story with Lex and his brother and Lionel and Lex and the Asylum. And then I guess Lineage is one we wanted to do in season 1 but did in season 2. We always wanted to go back to the day of the meteor shower and try to find out the deal that Jonathan made with Lionel.
Gough: and red kryptonite
Glover: I would like red kryptonite actually, see what happens to Lionel when he is infected by red kryptonite. I think it could be really fun.
Millar to Glover: You'd become a Hare Krishna.
Glover: Yeah, it could turn me good!
Millar: I thought you are good
Glover: I know, I slip every now and then.

Q: I just had a question. Like you said they're in their senior year, do you see it going on after this? I would really hope so, I'd love the movie with this cast. You guys have a great everything. It's perfect. *cheers*
Millar: well they'll graduate this season and then in season 5 some will go to college at Metropolis University. Clark obviously, he'll stay around and help run the farm so he'll go to community college or University of Kansas Smallville. I Mean there's ways to sort of keep him around. You know, Lex isn't in school, and obviously neither are any of the adult characters, so I don't think it will be really that huge of a transition for us, but what it will do is open up some other story areas and we'll probably get some more Metropolis as well.
A: This season is gonna be more fun. It's gonna deal with a lot more teen issues. We'll see if Clark can have sex and that sort of thing. It's much more, i guess sort of a cool graduation year and see more of what it's like to be a teen. And Clark becoming more popular as well.

Q: I'm a big fan, and I love the 1st and 2nd season and I love the 3rd season finale, but it seemed it was trying to overuse kryptonite as a plot device and I was wondering are we gonna keep seeing that, like the kryptonite car bomb.
A (Gough): Yeah, that wasn't one of our finest moments. Yeah that's not one of our favorites. The thing with doing 22 shows a year it's very very difficult to maintain the quality. I think out of 22 we have a very good batting average, but we have 3 or 4 clunkers a year which any show does and I think if you look at our track record it's very good. But it's always difficult to maintain that quality with that many episodes with maintaining the storyline and the special effects, so it's definitely...we always feel really bad when we have a bad episode. We know it's coming, we see it and it's like, that one was just horrible. *Gough says "Ressurection" and slaps is forehead in shame*

I will post Part 2 next.

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Here's part 2 from mistame's post:

Here's the last half of the transcript. I'll probably make minor changes to both parts later, but it's all here.

Q: One of the most significant moments for me in Memoria which was the final scene when Martha comes to see Clark in the barn and they have a very nice talk. I noticed that there haven’t really been a lot of use for the female characters in the past 3 seasons. Namely you’ve got You’ve Annette O’Toole and Allison Mack in there who are excellent actors, and was wondering wheat kind of stories do you have planned for the female characters this season?
A (Millar): We are actually gonna see more Martha. I mean, she’s a huge element. You’re gonna see she has a huge role in episode 1 because, quite frankly she’s one of the last Mohicans, interms of who’s not dead, in a void, or in a coma. So you’re gonna see in this season, she’s gonna take a more active role, and Mr. Glover will have more scenes together with her. Yeah, I would say that’s been the most under-used resource on the show and we definitely are going to fix that in season 4, and then obviously we have Lana coming back with a new attitude and you have Lois. So, you know, I think there’s gonna be a lot more girl power this season.

Q: Hi, I just wanted to thank all of you. We do appreciate your time.
Millar: Thank you, we appreciate you watching the show.
Q (cont.): When you first started did you have any apprehension that this wasn’t gonna go very well?
A (Millar): Oh, God yes. Didn’t you read ain’t It Cool News? When it was first announced it was like we were burned in ephogy online.
Gough: Looking at our track record we probably didn’t look like the guys for this.
Millar: You now, for us it was really validated when the show really did well and you all embraced this version of the mythology. Because I think what we tried to do on the show is stay close to the core Superman principals which is sort of, he is who he is because of the people who raised him, Krypton blew up and just sort of, he’s trying to be a force for good in this world. You know he’s not a dark character. He’s moving towards a hopeful place.

Q: At the beginning of Season 3 you had a stint with Clark going to Metropolis under the influence of red kryptonite. I was just wonder why this stint was just so short-lived.
A (Millar): Well he was there for 3 months, but we did it for 1 episode, but the quite frankly we wanted to get back to Smallville and Clark, and on a production level we had sets we have to shoot on. None of which are Metropolis. So you get a taste of that and sort of see his dark side, but then get back to a place where he’s back on track to his positive journey.
Q: First off, Mr. Glover, I just wanna say my friends and I are really big supporters of your voice-over work for Batman the animated series; I love your work sir.
Glover: Thank you.
Q (Cont): My next question is somewhat serious. We were told we would have a chance to win the season 3 dvd that hasn’t been released yet and I was wondering if you guys could take pity on a poor starving college student. *crowd boo’s*
A (Millar): Dude, they don’t give them to us, this is Warner Brothers, come on.

Q: It doesn’t seem like there a re a lot of Lana fans out here but I’m gonna ask this question anyway: After 3 years of pushing the Clark and Lana relationship you basically have gotten to the point where you say you’re not doing it anymore. What exactly was the point of that? I’m not really feeling the progression of the characters, I mean, why did you push that relationship for 3 years and say, “ok, it’s over now”.
A (Millar): Well it’s over for the season, but again, season 1 it was Clark trying to attain Lana but couldn’t because Whitney was in the was, season 2 was his secret was in the way, and then this season it was “I can’t be with Lana because people around me get hurt”. It’s sort of the classic Superhero dilemmas that Lana spent 8 episodes waiting for him, spent 8 episodes with Adam, and then spends the last part saying “I don’t need to define myself by Clark Kent and I’m gonna go off and get my own life”, so I think that Lana’s had a very good progression and now in season 4 she has a new attitude and there’s someone new in her life, and you know, that Clark and Lana will come back around again as that gentleman was saying earlier. It’s just something for the moment that relationship is just sort of, all the cards are on the table, so now we need to introduce new elements to reinvigorate these triangles which is what Lois does and
Gough: I think going out with Clark Kent as he is, would be a complete nightmare. He’s a psycho, and he’s always in danger, he crazy..
Millar: Yeah, sometimes he’s on red kryptonite and it’s like “dude, what’s your problem? You’re an ******* ”, so it’s like if you look at it from Lana’s perspective, she’s tried very hard and because he can’t explain who he is he’s always, you know, a freak. Hot, but a freak. And hot forgives a lot, lets face it.

Q: Hi, I just wanna say I love the show and for me Chloe is sort of the Lois Lane of Smallville, so if you’re gonna have Lois Lane on this season, what’s Chloe’s new role?
A (Millar and Gough): Very good question.
Gough: Well the good thing is she’ll be on for 13 episodes so we’ll have a good balance, we’ll have her in good chunks. She just has a very good attitude to Chloe. She’s very skeptical, she doesn’t want to be a journalist at this point in her life. She ust has a very…open attitude, so I think you’ll see hopefully the contrast of the two.

Q: Hi, I have another question about Clark and Lana. I love this relationship and I think the actors are wonderful and it seems the only way you think you can keep it interesting is to put in more love triangles, this will they won’t they limbo that’s been going on for 3 seasons and I wanna see it progress and see what happens when Lana finds out, how it affects her, how it affects Clark, what it means for their relationship, how it moves these characters forward and the story forward. I just wanna know what you guys hope to accomplish by basically re-introducing Whitney 2.0 and Lois and all these new love triangles.
A (Gough): What it is I guess is…what haunts us is a show called Lois and Clark which got canceled in its 4th season because they put Lois and Clark together and they got married. And once you take the mystery out of a relationship, it’s like moonlighting. You have to keep these 2 apart, it has to sort of dangle but it has to stay natural. Actually we did it for 2 scenes at the end of season 2. They had a picnic under a tree with a horse and it was so…it was so boring. The idea of these 2 together, these 2 beautiful people like sitting under trees. That’s just not dramatic…
Q (cont): But if I may interject. I think that once they get together, Lana’s gonna know it’s no going to be smooth sailing, she’s not gonna, I think, deal with it that well.
Millar: Come back in season 5.

Announcer: We have a special announcement. I think we heard something about girl power earlier on? So we’re very pleased to announce that we have Allison Mack and introducing our Lois Lane: Erica Durance.
Gough: They rushed down from Vancouver and their plane was an hour late so apologies for that.
Millar to Allison and Erica: You brought the room to a stand-still. We were just in the middle of discussing about Clark and Lana and we’re sooo glad you showed up.

Q: This is for John Glover: How did you feel, like, going from movies to small screen? How did you feel about the difference?
A (Glover): You know, when the parts are good it doesn’t matter where it is. And this part I have right now with Lionel is one of the best I’ve ever had.
Q (cont): And uh, Lionel seems like a black cat, you shouldn’t cross him.
Glover: No, I wouldn’t advise it.
Q (Cont): And I also loved you in Gremlins 2. *crowd cheers*
Glover: Thanks.

Q: Good afternoon Smallville panel. I like Smallville and its twists on the mythos/tradition. For example, Jor-El’s intent for sending Kal-El to earth, and lets face it: everybody hated Lex Luthor before but they love him now. Do you guys have anything else like that in store?
A (Millar): Well that’s why we have Lois Lane. When you meet Lois in our shows she’s not Lois Lane the reporter, she’s a year older than Clark, she has no interest in journalism, she is, you know, slightly neurotic, and we get to meet her father Sam Lane who is a great Santini-like character, and we get to see that father daughter dynamic play out which is something we hadn’t done with the show before. We had a lot of fathers and sons but never really any father/daughters.
Gough: And for us, always finding how do they meet is you know, Clark and Lex meet in lineage and how does Lana and Clark meet so for us we had to come up with a really cool way for the first introduction of Lois and Clark to meet.
Millar: Also, you can imagine, with this acting troop which is just an extraordinary group of actors that have been together for 66 episodes, that’s a long time, and for Erica to come into that and just basically start right at day 1 of season 4, you guys are not gonna believe how well she blends right in. It’s like a breath of fresh air.
Glover: I played with her on Wednesday
Erica: He certainly did
Glover: Yeees, and she’s a lot of fun to play with. I think she’d be interesting for Lionel. She’s old enough right? Chloe wasn’t old enough. I try, let me tell ya I try.
Millar: Well if you hadn’t killed her before she turned 18 John.
Glover: What is jailbait now?
Millar: It’s different in the state of Kansas.


Q: Hi, I love the show, but in the show, when you write Jor-El, why did you make him seem like an evil *******?
A (Millar): Well, again, I think like Lionel Luthor, I don’t think Jor-El is evil. I think Jor-El has a plan for his son that his son basically doesn’t want to follow. I mean all he said was “come to me” and Clark says no and runs away and then spends the whole season trying to blow him up and then he spent the whole season sort of dealing with that and that’s why he did the heroic thing to save Jonathan and get himself up to Jor-El. And then I think the question is: what did Jor-El have planned? And I think we’ll see, you know, I think it’s certainly at the top of season 4. But also for us it was, you know, you’ve always seen this benevolent character who loves his son and sent him to earth to save the sole survivor, but was there another darker agenda? So it’s giving us something to play. Also, the idea that you search for your adoptive parents and what if you find out that they’re monsters? I mean your real parents, sorry, search for your real parents.

Q: Out of all the superpowers that he has, I wanna know when he’s gonna fly.
A (Millar): Well you will get a taste of it in the season opener…and that’s all I’m gonna say about that.

Q: I wanted to know if you’re ever gonna show Clarks Fortress of Solitude.
A (Gough): That’s something we definitely want to do. We can’t really do that now, but I think the new mythology we’re doing this season will lead…will lead towards something. So it’s something we’ll see a bit later.

Q: I was wondering, you guys have been placing a lot of hidden images throughout the season like at the end of season 3 Clark’s in, like, the S position with the emblem. I was just wondering how they’re gonna play out in season 4 and if they’re gonna have an affect, and if you guys are gonna put more images there in the future.
A (Gough): I think we’ve always put images throughout the seasons anyway. There’s always been S’s and red capes and red blankets as capes, and we always play the bird and try and put it into the show, and the shows palette is all blues, yellows, and reds, so for us it’s always something we try to do.

Q: Hi, I just wanted to know, how long will it take Clark Kent to get glasses and become Superman?
A (Millar): Ummmm, well gosh, hopefully as many seasons as the show stays on the air.

Q: Yes, I was wondering, is it true that you planned a Smallville story arc that will only be 5 seasons, and if that is true do you think that is enough time to develop the stories you setup?
A (Gough): We have always had the 5 year plan and we’re on season 4 now so we only have 1 year left on the plan, but actually for us it’s just, we’ll see how long we go. It’s not up to us, it’s up to you guys watching.
Millar: Would you like us to go beyond 5 years?
*crowd cheers*
Millar: Ok then.

Q: This question is for Allison. I would be interested on your comments on you character. Do you agree with the decisions she’s made? How do you feel about what she’s done?
A (Allison): Well, I don’t think it’s right to speak negatively of the dead *smiles*, so I think that she did what was best for her. I think that’s the way any normal teenager would behave. I don’t think she always made the best decisions, but I think she tried her hardest to correct any wrongful decisions she made. So you know, one of the things about Chloe I loved most on the show was that she was flawed and she was real, so she made mistakes, and she admitted she made mistakes and she tries to make up for that, so I didn’t think she necessarily always made the best decisions but I liked the fact that she didn’t make the best decisions.

Q: Hi, I’d like to first of all, thank you for Smallville, and my question is: once Clark re-locates in Metropolis will you be changing the name from Smallville to Metropolis or are you gonna keep the name Smallville?
A (Millar): Clark isn’t going to relocate to Metropolis, he’s gonna stay in Smallville, because he’ll be running the farm so he’s not somebody who can, you know, just pick up and head off. He has familiar responsibilities to take care of.

Q: First off I’d like to say I’m a major fan of Smallville, especially the kind of philosophical debates between Lex and Lionel and also the use of young adult problems. I was wondering in the upcoming season are there going to be anymore racy things like religion, homosexuality, and all that type of stuff?
A (Millar): Yes, there will be. We’ll deal with that, can Clark have sex, you know, this season we’re gonna get into a lot more of these things.

Q: Hi John. I think you are one of the, by far, sexiest men on tv right now. *crowd cheers*
Glover: Oh thank you!
Q (cont): And I loved you as the devil in Brimstone.
Glover: I’ve wanted to release Brimstone on DVD, so many people missed it. We’ve gotta figure out how to do that.
Q (cont): So, this is for the other guys too: when does Lionel get a love interest and can I be it?
Millar: John will be having auditions after the panel.
Q (cont): Do you have anything else you’re doing? You know, on hiatus, any movies or anything?
Glover: Oh, I did a play. I went to Philidelphia and did a great play by Andew Dalby (sp?) called The Goat and had a great time.
Q (cont): But John I can’t see it.
Glover: No, I know, that’s live theater. You gotta be there. Come to Philly. Some Smallville fans came. It was great. Some of them came 700 miles, they flew from Alabama and Indiana. It was magnificent.
Q (cont): Are you gonna be doing any stuff on location in Hollywood, because that’s where I am.
Glover: Maybe, I worked at the Taper, and right here in San Diego at the Old Globe. I’ll let you know whenever I do a play again.

Q: Hi, I’m a little bit of a romantic and I wanted John on the show to have a romance. But I wanted him to have a very strong willed woman just like himself, but she’s more evil. And I also wanted Lex to fall in love with Lana and Chloe and Superman to have their affair. Or making a romance go on from there.
Allison: You and me both.
Millar: Once their legal.

Q: Miss Durance, welcome to the cast.
Erica: Thank you.
Q (Cont): Miss Mack, you’re awesome. Mr. Glover, mmmmmm, you bad boy. I’m an absolute maniac from the site Kryptonsite.com. We do a lot of really awesome introspection and analysis of the series just because it triggers so much in our personal lives, and I’ve been doing a lot of apologizing for Clark Kents behavior, because he does give little hints why he’s acted the way he’s acted with regard to Lex but it hasn’t really been out there to pick up on. And one of the very fascinating notions I saw someone on the site came up with is that since he no longer has a confidant in Lex and Chloe that wee SEE him act more now. We don’t see him talk about what he feels or thinks and therefore it’s harder for us to understand where he’s coming from. So just thought I’d let you know.
Millar: Good to know. We’ll get him a shrink.

Announcer: We have time for about 1 or 2 more questions.

Q (little person): John, it’s always good to see you.
Glover: Well it’s good to almost see you.
Q (cont): And Allison, I just wanted to tell you your smile could light up a room even this big. And for Mr. Millar and Mr. Gough, are you ever gonna revisit or have the Metropolis stint haunt Clark, because when he stole the money from the ATM the cameras were there, and he never wore a mask? There’s so much he could get in trouble for. Are you ever gonna revisit that, like bring any of that haunting back to him in season 4 or season 5?
A (Gough): The thing about TV is that you can go back that far. We’re certainly gonna have red K return this season and there will be consequences to that.
Millar: Also when he was in Metropolis he was moving fast and I don’t think he was stupid about his exploits.

Gough: I wanna take once chance, actually, because a lot of the writers from Smallville are here today and I don’t think they get enough credit for what they do so give them a round of applause.

Q: Since I don’t have any time to ask my own question, I’m asking a question for someone over there. Will you bring Christopher Reeve back next season?
A (Millar): Yes.

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Hey ficassdy -

Thanks so much for posting this. Absolutely fascinating!! Now I cannot wait for the season to begin.

We got Lois. We got red-K (which means sexy!Clark). We got them actually exloring some really interesting questions, such as can Clark have sex? We've got Lex.

And best of all, we've got NO Clana!!!


You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah
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You're welcome!

It's funny because I was cruisin through pro-Lana sites and they were saying that Clark will rebound on Lois to make Lana jealous--yeah right!

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Ditto LynnM, ficassidy! Thank you so much for taking the time to post this for the rabid Smallville faction that haunts these boards.

(If I called attendance, you would find that the two of us are already here.)

And oh--- turned to dust, completely crumbled, my castle in the sand, the temple to my imagining, my ever wishful thinking--Chloe...Lois...Chlois!

What will become of Chloe's character, since she has operated in the Lois Lane role in Smallville all this time?? Actually, can't wait to find out. And I heard, too, that DC recently bought her character. Has anyone else heard that, and if yes, what the heck does that mean?

The rest of it, though, sounds so very, very, very good.

How much longer? Sort of missing Lex these days...


You mean we're supposed to have lives?

Oh crap!

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Top Banana
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CC - I know how much you are hurting right about now. And not to throw salt into the wound, but I think for the sake of your healing - so that you will come to accept the truth - you need to check out this image:

Lois and Chloe - Proof that there is no Chlois

I know. I know. The truth is sometimes hard to take. But cheer up - we get to find out if Clark can have sex, which simply must involve some naked Tom, so there is always that to look forward to. wink

Mac Daddy

You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah
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Top Banana
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And did you see Allison Mack's brave smile? whinging

She has to know she's screwed now, and yet, there she is...arm around the Supposed Lois. (Who, I think, is probably a clone. I don't know, she just has that look about her. Like they cloned her from Chloe but also gave her radical reconstructive surgery so we wouldn't KNOW that is what they'd done. 'They' are quite diabolical that way...)

Oh, A.Mack, keep smiling. I feel your pain.

And I'm sure I'll thank you later for the cold reality slap, Lynn. (Though the Clone Theory has merit, don't you think?) But I am glad for you- the whole Clark and can he have sex thing...it's like God heard all your prayers.

CC- who hasn't come out from under the bed yet, still mourning. She was 'the girl of his dreams, masquerading as his best friend!' Remember that??

You mean we're supposed to have lives?

Oh crap!


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