...try the following:
- Press random buttons while talking, and then ask the person that is taking your order to stop doing it.
- Invent the name of a credit card and ask them if they take it.
- Ask for a Big Mac.
- Finish the call by saying: 'And don't forget... I never made this call.'
- Respond to their questions with questions.
- Instead of telling them what you want on your pizza, spell it.
- Ask them if they know any other pizzerias with better prices. (!)
- Ask the person taking the order what they are wearing. (!!)
- Say 'Hello', don't speak for a few moments and then asked as if *they* had called you.
- Order with an air of superiority, and if they ask you whether you want something to drink get all nervous (or hang up the phone).
- Change your voice every ten seconds.
- Ask for any kind of weird/exotic ingredient you can think of.
- Ask for the pepperoni to be put so that it draws a smiley face on the pizza.
- Act as if you know the person taking the order from a long time.
- Begin with 'I would like...', then say 'No, actually, I don't want...'. Do it a dozen times.
- If they repeat the order to make sure they got it right, say 'All right. It's 5,60 euros. What is the address?'.
- Ask whether you can rent a pizza.
- Ask them if you can keep the pizza box. When they say yes, let a sigh of relief.
- When they pick up the phone, ask them whether that's the (X) pizzeria. When they say yes, ask for proof.
- Ask them to double-check that your pizza is already dead before it gets cooked.
- Speak without verbs.
- When asked 'What would you like?' reply 'You mean *now*?'.
- Tell them it's your wedding anniversary and you would appreciate it if the delivery boy could stay hidden behind the couch and surprise your husband/wife.
- Ask for a menu.
- Start singing.
- Speak in a foreign language.
- Order just a slice instead of a whole pizza.
- Be excused for a minute, then come back and ask 'Who are you again?'.
- Ask them for the phone number. Hang up, call again, ask for the number again, and hang up again.
- Tell them their service is horrible. Then call back and apologize by saying that you were drunk and didn't really mean it.
- Tell them to tell the director to tell the delivery boy that he's fired.
- Tell them you lost your pet.
- Ask for your order to be delivered by the same delivery boy who had delivered it to you the last time you had ordered.
- Begin with 'Ready, set, go!'.
- Ask whether technical support is provided.
- Once you order, say 'I wonder what this button does' and hang up.
- Give your order and then say that you are not going to reveal more information.
- Put them on hold.
- First thing you do, ask for mushrooms. Once you're finished, say 'And please, no mushrooms' and hang up before they ask you again.
- When you repeat your order, change it slightly. If they ask you to repeat it a third time, say 'You're a little slow, aren't you?'.
- When they tell you the price, say 'Oh, I've never liked maths'.
- Ask for a pizza with a diametre of three metres.
(From Blackhumor.gr [translation and addition of a couple of suggestions by me])