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#191634 05/17/08 07:23 AM
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LabRat Offline OP
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I usually find that there's a specific moment when watching a new TV show when I can say later, 'that's when I fell in love with this show'.

For example, with Buffy it was when I received a tape of another show from someone and they had left the last half of Lover's Walk on the end of the recording. I was immediately fascinated with Spike's speech about the nature of love and that was me, hooked.

With The Young Riders - my big love just before LNC - it was an early episode in which one of the riders, Ike, is targeted by a gang. Ike decides to leave to avoid putting the rest of the riders in danger but finds them saddling up to go with him. He protests that it's not their problem: "They came for me," and Kid says calmly and matter-of-factly, "Then they came for us." That was it. The moment I fell in love with those guys.

With LNC, I think it was 'don't fall for me' conversation in the pilot.

So...when was the moment you realised you were in love?

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

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Sadly, I can't remember 'the moment' for me and LnC. I know that I had not seen any at all while they were still on (I only started watching after the reruns). But I think I was hooked right away because of the chemistry between LnC and because Dean was so yummy to look at... drool

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For me it was the {Clark} - {Martha & Jonathan} "hero support" conversations right from the first episode.

If she had to move heaven and Earth, perhaps come back to haunt Perry and explain the story after they'd killed her, she would do it.

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Hack from Nowheresville
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I can't say what it was about this show that hooked me, but I watched it from the Pilot episode all the way through to the end and absolutely loved it the entire time (well, most of the time...). I think perhaps I realized I was hooked when I first watched PML.

After the show went off the air, it got replaced by some of my other obsessions (was right about the time I discovered the X-files and the internet and became hopelessly addicted to both). Then, a couple of years ago my fiance bought me season one of LnC on DVD, and I got re-addicted. I think he sometimes wishes he hadn't done that. laugh

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Top Banana
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I knew I'd love it even before it started airing. I was so looking forward to it and was really p'ed off when I had to miss the start because of an accounting test. No wonder I hated that subject. razz

But my interest has been life-long. I have a memory of being about 5 and standing in the lounge doorway while my sister and her friend watched Superman on tv. I was too shy to go in and join them, but I’ve had a thing for it ever since. When I was 13ish and I’d sleep over at my best friend’s house, she’d ask what vid I wanted to watch and it was always Superman 2. I love the Lois flinging herself into Niagara Falls bit.

Hell, I even watched Superboy! blush blush

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Holy crap, HawtRat started a post?! wink

Good question. When L&C started airing, I was only in sixth grade, and not only did I have to go to bed before nine, but I was still more of a TGIF girl. Anyway, it caught my attention about halfway through the first season -- "All Shook Up" was the first episode I remember watching -- and I liked it -- and I already was moving toward thinking journalism was the greatest career ever -- and gradually started talking my mom into letting me stay up.

However, that "moment" where I fell for the show came at the end of "House of Luthor" when Perry and Jimmy brought Lois downstairs after her aborted wedding. She looked like she didn't even have the strength to go on, but then she saw Clark standing there and just flew into his arms as if she knew everything was going to be OK, and he held her tight, and it was just so ... enchanting.

And from then on, I never missed an episode.

Clark: "You don't even know the meaning of the word 'humility,' do you?"

Lois: "Never had a need to find out its meaning."

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Well, that last post was demoralizing. You were in sixth grade? Time flies...

Well, I was in my late twenties and newly married when the show first came on. For some reason we knew we were going to miss the premiere, but my parents watched it, loved it, and taped it for us. My husband and I were both hooked from the first minute. We're really not TV watchers, so that was our ritual weekly show for the first three seasons (in the fourth season you never knew when the heck it was going to be on, so we kind of lapsed).

So, the moment. I loved it from Minute One, but I think the hook was when Clark said, "Got it. You like to be on top." Wow -- a re-imagined Clark Kent, with a spine! I loved that.

I became chronically ill a few years ago, and that was when someone bought me the DVD's, and also when I discovered the fanfic archive site. So I guess L&C and I are back together. Oh, and my husband and I are still together, too. smile

Peace, Carolyn
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Oh, how I wish my memory wasn't swiss cheese... because I know I was hooked to the show from the start and I'm mighty certain I was glued to my screen during the pilot, but I don't remember the moment that "made it" for me. (when we moved, I found my old VHS tapes that have every S1 ep, except the pilot, which can only mean one thing: I watched the pilot and recorded all the others so I could keep 'em.)

Most likely, it would have been seeing Clark standing in front of the mirror, in the Superman suit, taking off his glasses -- because when I got the DVDs and watched that scene, it was the one thing that made me go "omg, I so loved that show!"

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies
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I actually didn't see the show until about a year ago when I was struggling to write an English paper that was due the next day. In my effort to delude myself into thinking that I wasn't so screwed, I stumbled across some of the episodes on VEOH. I tried to watch them in relatively chronological order, but there were only a few posted, so I watched GGGOH, then had to skip all the way to ATAI. After that, I was able to watch a handful of S3 and maybe less than half of S4. I think it was about 4am before I actually got around to working on my paper, and even then it was kind of like write a couple paragraphs, and watch an episode as a reward.

Anyway, I guess it was GGGOH that hooked me, because if I didn't like the epi, then I probably would've found another way to waste my time.

(If anyone is interested, I ended up getting an A- on the paper, and when I look back and read it, I still think it's not too bad)

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"All Shook Up" was the first episode I remember watching
Well... that's a coincidence! I think what first caught my eye was that huge asteroid looming over Earth that they keep on showing throughout that episode. I think I missed out a couple of episodes after that... not deliberately, but I sort of forgot that they were airing such a show! (Pathetic excuse! I know wink )

However, that "moment" where I fell for the show came at the end of "House of Luthor" when Perry and Jimmy brought Lois downstairs after her aborted wedding.
Yup! Coincidence again! lol I think that's about the same time I realized that there was something more to this show... I'm not sure but I think I was flipping through the channels when this scene caught my eye... or... it's all hazy...

I think I really got hooked when Lois had that wedding jitters scene - standing before the mirror - and the wedding (you see, I usually fall for these wedding scenes)
I saw that her mind was on another man while she was walking down the aisle towards another - I didn't even know who Lex was LOL blush - and I prayed and prayed that she won't go through it!

The rest? well... I went to see this friend of mine who was always taunting me to watch the show and we both watched all the episodes she'd copied in a tape in about two days! Sigh!

Happy ending to missed episodes - thanks DT (if you ever see these boards)! Without your tapes I think I'd have missed out on something wonderful!


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Well, that last post was demoralizing. You were in sixth grade? Time flies...
LOL, I can top that. I had to be in fourth grade when it started airing. Has it really been 15 years since it premiered? (My math could be terrible since I just got off work hah.)

I don't remember a specific moment per se, but if I had to guess based on me, GGGoH where Trask almost shoots Clark...I bet that would have cemented my fanship. But I remember to a tee that there was like a three week hiatus in the show before HoM aired, and that was just unacceptable haha. Marked it and starred it and practically taped my calendar to my forehead waiting for that Sunday, so I was clearly hooked before HoM.


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THe hubby and I watched it together curled up on the sofa after the toddler was in bed. It was one of the few shows we both loved. I don't remember a moment when I was hooked I just feel those warm moments with the hubby when I see the opening sequence.

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I think I've topped them all so far, because I was only 6 or 7 when I fell in love with the show. Needless to say, my memory of exactly why and when is a bit fuzzy. I know Clark being an über-hunk had something to do with it. Much better than all the Disney princes combined! goofy


"Lois Lane is Clark Kent's Superman." - Brian Miller
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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I think for me it was the pilot episode. The scene where Lois says to Clark, don't fall for me farmboy, I don't have time for it and the look on Clark's face had me hooked, how cute. Not to forget to mention the first time Clark put on the super suit, need I say more.

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hmmmm good question, LabRat...

I've seen this show from the beginning because I've known all the Superman-movies and I was curious about the new TV show. I liked the preview and you know when you are 11 and you see such a good-looking Clark, I knew I can't miss the pilot. I always hated that Clark looks like a dork in the movies. I never missed an episode from then on. But I can say that I totally fell for the show at the end of season 1 when Lois and Clark got romantic feelings for each other. "The House Of Luthor" where Lois was standing in front of the mirror and said "Lois Lane Kent" - I almost cried too. Well I was hoping at the end that Clark admits his feelings for her but NO mad he had to cross his fingers behind his back. And then I had to wait the whole summer for the next episode. grrrr hyper

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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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I was about 8 when the show first aired in Portugal and I can't recall why or when I fell in love with it.
All I remember is that I really loved the chemistry between Lois and Clark and the fact that she was a very strong and independent woman.

Granny Weatherwax: 'You've got to think headology, see? Not muck about with all this beauty and wealth business. That's not important.'

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Holy crap, HawtRat started a post?!

What can I say? I was bored. And trying to avoid going downstairs where Stuart was watching football. laugh

I've been enjoying your recollections so far!

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Sometime in 1994 (or was it 1995?) my former boyfriend (now husband) and I were at the video store, when I saw the pilot standing in shelf. ohmygod ... A Superman-movie I didn't know? Unbelievable ... Impossible ... Ok, so we rented the video and what to say: I loved it. But to that time I had no idea that there was a complete show behind the movie; I only found that out when I saw that in our TV-guide 1 year later. I've watched every single episode at TV and I loved them all (even the bad ones wink ). So for me the specific moment was, when I saw the front cover of the video at the video store smile

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Right from the start, I think - I certainly saw most of the first series when it first aired in the UK, and I think made an effort to catch it.

Marcus L. Rowland
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Dean Cain in a towel....HOOKED!!!

Humor was a bonus, so all the costume changes in the pilot that had me giggling were a help.


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