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#187435 03/26/07 02:50 PM
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I've noticed that most fans seem to dislike Mayson, alot. I was wondering if anyone felt like sharing what was it about her that inpires so mush dislike.

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#187436 03/26/07 02:58 PM
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Hi Ambar...

Actually I might be one of the few people who "don't" dislike Mayson.

I actually always sort of liked her, and I got all teary-eyed when she died.

I was just always fiercely protective of Clark and only wanted him to be with Lois and Mayson was an impediment to that. <g>

There's my 2 cents. smile

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#187437 03/26/07 03:00 PM
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I don't know that people particularly dislike her as a person, more just that she's an obstacle between Clark and Lois. I've always felt sorry for her myself.

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#187438 03/26/07 03:19 PM
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Actually, I liked Farrah Forke when she was on Wings. There she played a strong, indepedant woman with a sharp wit. On Lois and Clark, her character as Mayson Drake was too needy and pathetic.

Scardino was annoying, and Mayson was clingy and pathetic.

No wonder no one wanted Lois or Clark to hook up with the 'impediments'.

Tank (who would think that the characters were designed with those flaws so the audience would take a disliking to them, but that would be giving the writers too much credit)

#187439 03/26/07 03:55 PM
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I didnt dislike her at all. She made Lois jealous and I loved that.Anytime Lois became jealous or protective over Clark in the show I always got a little giddy, specialy in the 1st and 2nd seasons. It was like she needed to protect her territory which I found so funny because Clark wasnt actually hers.

Tank you crack me up, you should think about a carreer in comedy.

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#187440 03/27/07 04:15 PM
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I liked Mayson actually certainly a whole lot more than I like Scardino. I always thought Dan was just a moron with sheesy pickup lines not only that he had bad taste in not only clothes, but also in gift judgement (that dangly mobile thing was awful).

Mayson in contrast was genuinely someone who could really be a rival with Lois for Clark's affections. Sure she was needy and prehaps also really desperate for a man (I keep thinking of how she attempted to seduce him in CoM), but she genuinely was a rival for Clark's affections. Even if he seemed to have the inability to tell Mayson that his heart belinged to Lois.

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#187441 03/28/07 06:35 AM
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I had no problem with Mason and I don’t see her as clingy, needy, or pathetic.
She clearly had it bad for Clark, which is hardly difficult concept on this board. She very purposefully went after him, not taking no for an answer and swallowed her pride. (And Clark encouraged her as well.)
To me it seemed like she imagined that he was shy and passive, so therefore, she made it rather obvious about what she wanted. That certainly seem like a workable strategy to me. It wasn’t like she broke down and cried when Clark rejected her.

I don’t see her as more needy then any woman in love. And while she appeared on several episodes asking Clark out it wasn’t like she was hanging over his shoulder.

Moreover I can certainly see Clark and Mayson as a couple. What Lois Lane and Daniel Scardino OTOH saw in each other I don't get. For me Lois and Lex made far more sense.

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#187442 03/30/07 12:47 AM
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I never disliked Mayson (or Scardino for that matter). I was always irritated with Clark in that scenario, to be honest. He was so wishy-washy he really led her on, instead of telling her firmly and right up front that he wasn't interested. Frankly, I wanted to slap him. laugh I always felt sorry for her, pursuing a guy who clearly wasn't interested but too spineless to tell her so and constantly being humiliated as a result.

Having said that, I don't recall being that upset when she died as I never really emotionally invested in the character. Probably since it was obvious she was just jealousy filler for Lois and bound to come to a sticky end or be written out of the picture before too long.

BTW, on the subject of Scardino - when Justin Whalen took over from Michael Landes as Jimmy, the reaction from many FoLCs was pretty hostile to him. That hostility lasted all the way up to T:JO.

I remember being mighty amused when I asked a FoLC who'd been around back then what it was that changed opinion and was told '"He pushed Scardino down the stairs!". After that, he could do no wrong, apparently. goofy

LabRat smile

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#187443 03/30/07 11:30 PM
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I don't think I disliked Mayson really. She made Lois jealous and I loved that!! on the other hand I didn't mind when she died blush But scardino yeah I guesse you can say I disliked him I hated it how Clark would run of and HE would be there :p !!

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#187444 03/31/07 08:10 AM
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Well, here's my two cents...

I actually liked Mayson. I didn't see her falling for Clark as being desperate. What woman wouldn't fall for him? I also didn't see her as needy. I thought she was a strong and independent person. I actually felt sorry for her, and did think it was sad when she died.

Now Dan, on the other hand, I could barely tolerate watching him. He was just annoying and rude (in the way that he was always butting in).

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#187445 03/31/07 02:45 PM
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I know it appears that we all hate Mayson because we don't like that she came between Lois and Clark, but you can add me as a "me too" under the not hating Mayson column.

After all, Mayson was a suitable person for Clark to be interested in. She was intelligent, good-looking, nice and respected him as a person. Other than her aversion for Superman, she was a great catch. At that point, she was a better catch for Clark than Lois because she actually wanted him.

Dan and Lex on the other hand were just examples of poor judgement on Lois's part--and in Dan's case almost a case of insanity. What intelligent, self-respecting woman would pick a man that pushy and clownish. I could never see the appeal. Then again, Lois had bad taste in men all around. Why the series couldn't have shown one case of serious competition for Superman I'll never know.


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#187446 04/01/07 04:03 PM
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I'm glad I'm not the the only one in the 'dont dislike or might actually somewhat like Mayson club.' I was really starting to wonder. HOwever everyone seeems to hate Dan without exception. Ok so the guy was arrogant and annoying and had bad taste in just about everythingmaybe we should cut him a little slack, just a little.

Labrat, your story was very funny. It might be weird but the Jimmy change had almost no effect on me at all. It was like how they switched Darens and didnt even realize for years.

Capes, the weird thing is that Ithink that Dan was supposed to be the serious competition. I know, I shuddered too.

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#187447 04/01/07 05:27 PM
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I think the way it may have worked out is this. Clark was (and was shown to be) completely in love with Lois, loving her for her flaws, so the writers could make the competition somewhat fierce and Clark would not lose interest in Lois, whereas Lois, with her fear of intimacy, saw Clark as having flaws which she didn't like, so they couldn't make the competition too fierce or Lois would be justifiable in picking the other guy (until Clark tells her he's Superman, thus revealing the reason for the so-called flaw). They had to make someone good enough not to repulse Lois, but bad enough to keep from seriously considering him as an option.

I think, therefore, I get bananas.

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#187448 04/03/07 04:23 AM
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I never disliked Mayson (or Scardino for that matter). I was always irritated with Clark in that scenario, to be honest. He was so wishy-washy he really led her on, instead of telling her firmly and right up front that he wasn't interested.
Yes, this always bothered me, too. Clark behaved like a bit of a jerk when it came to Mayson. Although I thought Mayson was a tad aggressive when it came to Clark, I also think I'm being a tad sexist with that thought. laugh - surely it's as okay for a woman to take the initiative as a guy? But as Labrat points out, it did seem a bit humiliating.

Mayson's hostility to Superman was an interesting aspect of her character - she had a bit of a point smile I'm guessing the writers wanted her hostilty to Superman parallel Lois's wariness of Clark, but it didn't really work - partly because there were just too many clues about Lois's attraction to Clark right from Season one, and also because Lois's so-called rejection of Clark was not based on any point of principle or ethics as was Mayson's hostility to Superman.

But I liked Mayson enough to be dismayed when she was bumped off - she was an innocent character so her murder seemed a dark way to treat the character. I liked her, just not with Clark smile

I think Dan suffers a bit from the fact that the introduction of his character was so tedious - yet another roadblock in the way of the relationship. But Dan really wasn't any worse than Mayson, and his chat with Lois on the front steps of her brownstone after Lois returns from her fruitless trip to Clark's place in WWW was gentle and compassionate I thought.

The other thing about Dan is that his character revealed some things in Clark that were a bit 'not nice' - for example his reaction to finding Lois in her bathrobe in the first Dan ep (title??) . Not complaining about Clark's behaviour with respect to either Dan or Mayson, though, just saying that it was interesting that neither character brought out the best in him, which was kinda interesting.


#187449 04/03/07 05:50 AM
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HOwever everyone seeems to hate Dan without exception.
I really don't. I never saw him as serious competition for Clark, but we were never meant to, let's face it. I found him quite amusing and I enjoyed watching jealous Clark, so I quite enjoyed Scardio's episodes.

I even found him quite poignant at times, when they made the effort to give him some depth - with the back history of his partner and when Lois finally dumped him. His quiet dignity when she made her choice actually quite endeared him to me and I felt sorry for him. While simultaneously cheering that Lois had finally seen sense and stopped tormenting Clark, of course. (Which isn't easy to do, you know, both at the same time.)

Now, the one who really did irk me was Dieter. :rolleyes: And that was mostly because the whole scenario was ridiculous and I just got to the stage of "Geez, is the whole male population of the US destined to fall madly in love with Lois Lane?" I mean she was cute, but really... laugh It was a love rival too far for me.

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

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#187450 04/03/07 06:10 AM
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Now, the one who really did irk me was Dieter. And that was mostly because the whole scenario was ridiculous and I just got to the stage of "Geez, is the whole male population of the US destined to fall madly in love with Lois Lane?" I mean she was cute, but really... It was a love rival too far for me.
Yes again! (very troubled by having agreed with two things in a row that Labrat has said laugh )

The writers used that 'falling for' scenario way too often - with Clark, it was not just Mayson , but Cat, Toni Taylor, Linda King, that museum worker (can't remember her name).

But Dieter was of the especially tedious variety. Tediousness compounded by the sheer mind numbing dumbness of both Perry and Clark with respect to Dieter's character.

oh, and Zara, too, earlier. This time the 'let's throw another woman' at Clark variation of the scenario. But Zara I didn't mind too much as a character, perhaps because she wasn't interested in Clark - he was just a means to an end. The whole birth marriage thing was so contrived though.

#187451 04/05/07 12:53 AM
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The writers used that 'falling for' scenario way too often - with Clark, it was not just Mayson , but Cat, Toni Taylor, Linda King, that museum worker (can't remember her name).
Really? I think it would have been strange if most women wasn’t taken by Clark Kent’s looks and charm. That three of them acted on it in the space of three years seem kind of low and they act kind of normal about it.
While Lois Lane, OTOH is an interesting character, yet I can not see the appeal that drives billionaires and mad scientists to compromise themselves for her favour.

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#187452 04/05/07 06:48 AM
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Really? I think it would have been strange if most women wasn’t taken by Clark Kent’s looks and charm.
LOL! Well, naturally, that's the bias of we women on these boards of course. laugh Clark is not only drop dead gorgeous but he can cook too! Not to mention he's very good to his mom (although that bit may be an iffy plus smile ).

Who of us ever understands why men are attracted to a particular woman?

But, come to think of it, it is odd that Clark is the only decent guy that Lois attracted - the others were all villains of the week (or year) or had bad taste in shirts.

As Lois said in GGGoH, "Define guy" laugh


#187453 04/05/07 11:54 AM
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LOL! Well, naturally, that's the bias of we women on these boards of course. Clark is not only drop dead gorgeous but he can cook too! Not to mention he's very good to his mom (although that bit may be an iffy plus ).

Who of us ever understands why men are attracted to a particular woman?
I don’t think it is bias, IME extremely attractive men can get considerable attention in workplace situations, especially if they are female dominated. I have difficulty imagining a Dean Caine look alike, friendly and easy-going not having his hands full.
Now I’m not woman so perhaps I’m not a good judge but it seems to me that little makes women gawk more then pretty boys. And Dean is one of the few men that manage to come of as masculine despite his beauty IMO.

Lois is attractive but she is hardly every mans dream girl. And while there are segments that would appreciate her attitude, the majority of men would be put off.
I imagine the “nice guys” would probably go for something simpler, because you need a loot of ego and self-confidence to date someone like her.

That leaves the Dan and Lex boys. smile

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#187454 04/05/07 11:58 AM
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And while there are segments that would appreciate her attitude, the majority of men would be put off.
I imagine the “nice guys” would probably go for something simpler
ah - nice guys like simple women. Got it. Um... just how simple?


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