Hey everyone, Got this little problem.

First thing is that i've destroyed half of my Lois and Clark collection. How? well, when i was in the process of moving the box with the tapes ended up getting damaged, and destroying most of the tapes i had in it.

The secound thing, Does anyone here have the show transferd on DVD. or any high quality tapes that there will be able to make me copy's of. I tried to get them off ebay, But some guy ( the only guy i saw ) had a dvd set listed at $200 - minimum. So if anyone is able to help me out. From one fan to another. LEt me know at

voice@bluetights.net or by pm.

I haven't watched the show in awhile and would love to kick back at my new place with a few of these ep's and a bottle of wine. Great way to break the new house in.
