In a “looking for a fic” thread, I happened to recommend Beginning to End by Sunrei . This is a story from 2 years ago that was – in my opinion – one of the best alt-world relationship stories of that year. However, Sunrei never submitted it to the archive and - to the best of my knowledge - never made it eligible for Kerth consideration. I was always of the opinion that if it had been in for consideration, it would have at least received a nomination if not a Kerth.

The fact that it is not on the BBS and never nominated for a Kerth means that it is basically a non-entity for someone who was not around when it was posted.

So, does anyone know of any other stories that fall into this category? The qualifications are:
1. A story that you think is exceptional.
2. Posted before 2012.
3. Never submitted to the archive.
4. Not mentioned in the Kerth awards – for whatever reason.

I would love to have a chance to discover some of these hidden gems of stories. Personally, I'd love to know about stories before 2008 (guess when I joined the board smile ) that meet this criteria.
