Hi FoLCs!

This is Kerth Quiz #6 - Best Drama (including tearjerkers). Due to awesome turnout and response for Best Comedy, once again hosted by yours truly. This time it’s less about the giggles and more about the eyes relocating outside of their sockets.

Instructions are blatantly copied/linked from last year’s Kerth Quizzes.

SPIFFY DISCLAIMER THINGY! All the stories featured in this quiz qualify for the Best Drama, but this quiz is not a stamp of recommendation for nomination. There are other stories which qualify for this category, but this quiz only covers 10.

Recommendations for other eligible stories are *very* welcome and encouraged!

QUIZ RULES: Two points for getting the story and author from the quote; one point for getting it from the excerpt. Specify which is which, or you'll automatically get one point instead of two. Open hard drive and archive, *don't* forget to snip the excerpts in your replies, and don't forget the spoiler space when you post in the replies thread.

The DEADLINE for entries for this quiz is Tuesday, February 7th 2012, by 11:59 p.m.

More elaborate quiz instructions can be found here .

Please post your answers here .

Good luck and have fun!





Quote #1:
“This is going to sound *really* crazy, but I’m just going to trust it,” he said with a bracing breath. “Marry me.”

Quote #2:
He turned to look at ‘Lola’ and patted her hand. “Your husband said you were a big fan of my work,” he said. “Thank you.”

Quote #3:
The arrow that Tempus had let fly came screaming at Clark’s chest.

Quote #4:
“Can you believe that?” Jimmy was saying. “Superman has a SON!? How cool is that?”

Quote #5:
He went back to the door and arranged the scraps of paper across the bottom of the box — THANK YOU.

Quote #6:
You see, Superman had the same reason for being in Metropolis that I did. Without that … reason, there is no Superman – just Clark Kent.

Quote #7:
A ripple of pain shot up her leg as one shoe came off and her foot smacked erratically against the concrete.

Quote #8:
An ordinary man could never accidentally crush a woman's bone to powder. An ordinary man would have immediately noticed if he hurt his wife. An ordinary man...an ordinary man was safe.

Quote #9:
“You need a bath,” Lois immediately informed Shadow. “Probably from spending too much time with this bum.

Quote #10:
“You win the Bailey and I’ll slip the ring on your finger. We’ll leave right after the ceremony.”



Excerpt #1:
Her eyes remained closed, feeling his solid shoulder under her chin, and his arm around her shoulder giving her undeserved comfort. Clark. She had shot him … and missed. Thank God she had missed! Maybe he hadn’t heard the gunshot over the roar of the ‘chopper. She hoped so. She wouldn’t be able to face him, not if he knew that she had tried to kill him.

Excerpt #2:
He should go home, Clark told himself. He sighed, leaning against the counter. He didn’t know if it was the effects of the pheromone perfume or something else, but his apartment was the last place he wanted to be at this moment. Especially if he knew Lois was waiting for him, wanting him, in the next room. He buried his face in his hands. ‘Go home,’ his inner voice warned. ‘She’s someone else’s wife.’ He closed his eyes and relived that kiss on the dance floor. When he opened his eyes, he was standing at her bedroom door. He opened it and went inside.

Excerpt #3:
His hands and feet were bound. He guessed that he must have been tied to the horse as well. Surely he would have slipped from the horse’s back if he wasn’t secured to the animal. Around him, he could hear the thundering of hooves and the raucous laughter of the men who had captured him. They shouted merrily to each other. Clark caught tattered bits of their conversations. Most were discussing how many women they would buy the affections of once they received payment. One voice was very close by. Clark guessed that he was tied behind one of the men, like a piece of luggage.

Excerpt #4:
“He put YOU on the story? Seriously? Considering your history with Superman?”

“What history?” Lois snapped. “Apparently he’ll make history with just about anyone, so why should I care?”

“Ouch, Lois. You aren’t jealous, are you?”

“Jealous? Of what?”

“Of that woman. The boy’s mother.”

Excerpt #5:
“You would oversee the operation. Your primary responsibility would be to ensure that the alien remains in captivity. The three assistants would be directly answerable to you. Also, you would be expected to cover a shift should they be unavailable for any reason.” Scardino closed the notebook and returned it to the folder. “You would have complete control over the alien — if you wanted to make an attempt at communication, it would be your call.”

Excerpt #6:
She suddenly felt very weak. As everything started going dark, she heard another shot from behind. She could feel herself falling but didn’t seem to have the strength to do anything about it. Her last sight was of Clark on the podium. The entire left side of his chest was awash in blood and he was collapsing to the ground. With a profound sense of loss and missed opportunity, she surrendered to the blackness.

Excerpt #7:
"Thanks," Clark said glumly and took the picture back. The door slammed shut, and Clark reluctantly turned away. Three steps later he froze and stared down at the gutter in horror.

A lone red high-heeled shoe was lying there. It had only been two weeks since Lois had found that shoe and its mate on sale and had exulted all afternoon about what a steal it was to find them for less than a hundred dollars.

Wherever Lois was now, she hadn't left voluntarily.

Excerpt #8:
More than Perry's hands trembled as he looked away from the remaining words; his entire being shook with the eloquent argument. Much as Lois Lane had insisted she could learn nothing from Clark Kent, Perry knew that she had captured his ability to make the reader feel what the writer felt. This was an article that would be laughed off the front page for its lack of objectivity. But it would be beautiful on the Op/Ed page.

Excerpt #9:
“Lois, wait!” he said, pushing himself up further in bed. He heard her movement cease. “Do what? What don’t you know how to do?”

He could hear what sounded like her forehead softly coming to rest against the door and suspected her hand was on the door handle.

“Seduce you,” she whispered.

Excerpt #10:
Yes, loving Clark dictated her life.

And loving Clark was the reason she was in a mess now.

Her hand smoothed over her flat mid-section. Their night of passion had proven more tangible than she would have liked. Why the thought of birth control had never entered her mind was still a mystery. The most brilliant female journalist in the world was also galactically stupid when it came to a certain man that moonlighted in a cape.

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I go by Michael on the Archives.