Hi, I've been on this board, and Zoom's for years but I rarely post though I love to read the comments. I've written my second fic, (Shameless Plug Alert), my first is available on the Archive.

The fic IS complete and I hope will only require minor edits though I'm open to ALL suggestions. I'm still debating on posting in parts or just submitting to the archive but I DO want other opinions and help with grammar and punctuation. If I do post in parts I will not start to post until the story is complete. I too hate partial WIPs that die on the vine.

The story begins with the aftermath of the episode 'The House of Luthor' and then takes off wildly from there. I have one beta reader already but I would like at least one or two more so I can have a variety of opinions.

Thanks for your time, and please contact me via my email address.

Ray Reynolds