Thank you Jenn, Erin and Carol for the previous quizzes! smile1

Well, we're now up to Kerth Quiz #7, Best Dramatic Story! This
category is for stories which focus on a series of exciting or
suspenseful events. Stories can be similar in tone and balance to
the show's episodes, or tackle a more serious subject matter, and
will generally, though not always, contain a significant A-plot. Tearjerkers
also fit into this category. There are no size restrictions.

SPIFFY DISCLAIMER THINGY! All the stories featured in this quiz
qualify for the Best Dramatic story category, but this quiz is not a
stamp of recommendation for nomination. There are other stories
which qualify for this category, but I limited myself to ten.
Recommendations for other eligible stories are *very* welcome and
encouraged! wave

Quiz rules: Two points for getting the story and author from the
quote; one point for getting it from the excerpt. Specify which is
which, or you'll automatically get one point instead of two. Open hard
drive and archive, *don't* forget the spoiler space in the answer thread!

More elaborate quiz instructions can be found here:

web page













Quote 1:
She could tell that even though the kiss was short enough that
the carriage ride guys didn't even get annoyed.

Quote 2:
She smiled and there was a twinkle in her eye that I wasn't sure
I liked. "I just do. Did you know that you were all Clark talked
about when he started at the Planet?"

Quote 3:
In a benevolent move, Lois had asked her parents and her sister
to join the festivities, and had been happily surprised when all
had accepted her invitation.

Quote 4:
"If they do cause trouble, I'm going to raise holy hell," Lois
said. "I've had all I intend to take from hidebound school
districts whose officials don't bother to exercise common

Quote 5:
Before she could complete her slightly indignant question, and
right on cue, Cat entered the room, turned Clark's chair around,
sat down on his lap and planted a kiss directly on his lips.

Quote 6:
After a brief pause he continues. "There was a family on the
section that fell. Lois, there were children!"

Quote 7:
One might have asked, as Clark definitely did, "Why him? Why
does it have to be him?"

Quote 8:
Lois melted back into her pillow. Tex had been behind those
murders. He was the common thread. She'd just been too blind to
see it.

Quote 9:
Clark glanced at Lois, but somehow she missed the significance
of this. She was smiling up at Lex in a way that made Clark's
chest feel tight.

Quote 10:
"Take me with you." Evidently they hadn't been whispering as
quietly as they had thought, because young Mr. Kent had obviously
heard them.













Excerpt 1:
She nodded, aware of the scent of his aftershave and the tingle
where his hand rested solidly on her lower back. Her hand rested
on his arm and she could feel the play of muscles through his
jacket. She shifted closer to him so he couldn't see her close
her eyes and remember the feeling of those arms around her in
that room half a country away.

Excerpt 2:
"Sit down," Martha commanded, grabbing a hold of my arm to stop
me rushing off. I did as she bid but placed my face in my hands
and tried not to burst into tears. Honestly, how had I let her
bully me into this? Why didn't I just get up and leave? I knew
the only person in that room who could stop me was Clark and he
wouldn't because he wanted me to leave as much as I wanted to go,
that much was a given.

Excerpt 3:
Clark laughed self-consciously, having no idea why he was
unburdening himself to a man he didn't know very well. But Lois
seemed to value her top sports writer, or perhaps it was the fact
that Chris wasn't a close friend. At least, not yet. He would be
more detached about Clark's revelations. "For instance, dragging
my heels with the bank thing. But I've got to get that sorted or
I won't have an account for my paycheck to be deposited into."

Excerpt 4:
"I'll work on it a little later," she said, smiling at the group
of super-powered children. "When you finish, come down and I'll
fill you in on what your dad and Uncle Jimmy found out. I think I
need to go downstairs and let him go home. Sandi is going to be
getting impatient. Besides, I need to start dinner." She almost
laughed at the look on both Marta's and CJ's faces. "I'm just
going to heat up one of your dad's casseroles!"

Excerpt 5:
He knew of course why she was there. She obviously was
determined to talk to him. He'd spent most of the last two days
avoiding her. So he knew she had insisted on accompanying him in
hopes that they would have an opportunity to talk. As Clark saw
it, only one problem existed in that plan. They had absolutely
nothing to talk about - at least nothing that would make any

Excerpt 6:
"No. That information isn't necessary. The existence of KEs is
the one piece of information I treat as the most secret of all.
I haven't shared it with anyone and I don't think you should
either. For this publication, my expectation was to simply
describe that you have the ability to affect Higgs interactions.
Consequently, I would be describing the biofield but not its

Excerpt 7:
Clark's keen senses effortlessly picked up the distressed pleas
for help. He sat completely still in the dark solitude for a
moment, trying to steady his breath and trembling hands. Sighing
with exhaustion, both mental and physical, he let the lead box
fall to the floor with a resounding thunk.

Excerpt 8:
Clark had been less than a step into the penthouse when he was
avalanched by an immense shaft of pain - a simultaneous onslaught
to every part of his body. Every joint, every muscle. He doubled
over and the walls and floor whirled crazily as his legs gave
way. He registered the green cage and Superman trapped in it.

Excerpt 9:
"I know," Clark said to Superman. "They told us at the press
conference." Then turning to his parents, he explained, "There's
an asteroid. They're calling it Nightfall. It passed in between
the Earth and the sun today causing something that looked like a
solar eclipse. It was only visible on the eastern coast of North
America and the western coast of Europe."

Excerpt 10:
"The act of what, Clark?" Jonathan questioned, pouring fresh
coffee in Lois's cup. "We don't know for sure what Trask will do
when he gets here. Assuming that Mr. Wells was right and he
actually does show up here. And who knows what he's doing to poor
Wayne in the meantime. I wish you'd at least go check on him."

Have fun! smile

Tricia cool