Ok. Well I haven't posted on the boards in quite some time but I happen to be up late looking through some old files on my computer and decided I'd like to see what everyone thinks of this lovely little piece of...? fluff I guess.
It might seem a little rough in places because to tell the true it was a paper for my high school composition class.

Anyway feedback welcomed and here it goes...


It isn’t even 5am and she still hasn’t slept. She drags herself outside to sit in the calm night air. There she sits in one of her mother’s old rocking chairs. She clutches to a tattered and torn stuffed animal for the comfort of having something there to hold. Hidden by a colorful quilt, her legs are curled up in the cushioned chair. The patchwork quilt, made with different patches sewn in regular patterns, is an old family heirloom pieced together by her great-grandmother. Even though she has been up all night she still can’t fall asleep. The James Patterson novel she is reading has enveloped her attention. The story and characters come to life in her mind. Empathy for the characters is panned out though her expression. Sitting beside her is a small stereo with the volume on low. Old standards and love songs flow from the speakers, but no one else is around to hear their sweet beauty. Crickets and bullfrogs sing along creating subtle background music.
Somewhere in the distance an owl hoots from its perch. Forest surrounds the yard except for a small section where the driveway comes down to the house. The treetops and new green leaves sway in a light breeze. Cherry blossoms float to the ground on both sides of the front walk way. In the center of the yard sits a wooden well cover that looks like an old fashioned hand powered well. The moon and a small porch light beside the front door provide most of the light. Every once in a while something will move to turn on the motion sensor lights for the lawn. A little black dog patrols the yard looking for any disturbance of her property. There is a gray ball of fluff with the shape of a cat curled up on the rail of the porch. The fluff raises her head every now and then to see that everything is in order then goes back to cat napping.
The rail the cat lays on goes around the porch except for a section in the middle needed for the walkway. Hanging from rafters are hanging flowerpots on each side of the porch. In one of the baskets is a bird’s nest with three little blue eggs. Lights hang from the roof of the porch on each side and along with the one beside of the doorway attached to the wall. The light switch cover is a Halloween decoration that hasn’t been changed in three years. Sitting under the light is a piece of wood about two feet long. The fatter bottom is flattened so that it can stand on its own. Carved into the wood at the bottom part is a head with a face, beard and hair. Extending from the face, the wood goes up getting smaller at the top to make a hat for the head. The little wooden wizard guards the door with a spiteful look on its face.
The wizard is the girl’s only human like companion on the porch. Birds have started to sing their morning songs already. Their beautifully simple melodies somehow make the beginning of a new day complete. Bright red cardinals fly to and from the bird feeder while the smaller birds sit on the edge eating to their hearts content. Blue birds and robins come and go collecting scraps of things to build their nests. The sky is a little lighter shade of blue now than the dark midnight that it was in the middle of the night. At the edge of the woods a doe and its fawn cautiously graze. The dog has fallen asleep leaving the deer to graze in peace in the early morning dawn. As the morning scene plays out the girl puts down her book, content with staring at nothing in particular. From the door a pair of soft eyes are watching her think. Feeling the eyes upon her, she turns to the door and sees the man standing there. He joins her in the next chair and silently offers her a cup of coffee brewed to perfection.
Time is going by quicker than it should on this morning. The sky changes colors as the sun begins to rise. From the pale gray blue, a purple forms in the few puffy clouds. A bright pink lining surrounds each cloud. Starting behind the trees the sky turns from blue to a brilliant mixture of yellows, pinks and oranges. As the sun rises higher the mixture becomes brighter and rises with it. The yellow blend covers the eastern sky with purple and pink wisps of clouds scattered across for miles. A bright yellow-orange ball slowly rises from behind the tall pine trees to be seen by the world. The brilliantness lights up everything it touches. The warm rays bring a smile to the girl’s tired face as she watches this miraculous event unfold. Hands intertwined, the couple enjoys the simplistic beauty of the world surrounding them.