In another thread dealing with Jason Trask two FOLC made the following very good points.

Originally posted by ColleenMA:
Hmm, a redeemable Trask…

I agree with Virginia, the change would have to occur probably back in Strange Visitor
Originally posted by VirginiaR:
If you wanted to make Trask into a "friend" of Superman, you would have to do so before he commits these crimes....By this point, Trask is irredeemable,
some years back I outlined some tales in what I called the Epiphany'Verse. I never finished any and never posted them. I am not much of a writer.

I posted a challenge a some time back about the Epiphany'Verse but didn't want to spend time looking for it today.

So for story setup.

It is the summer between 8th grade and 9th grade in Smallville. Summer in a farm community is not goof off time as it often is for city dwellers but even so folks find time for parties and so forth...

The Globe was not left with the small spaceship but instead rests on a shelf in a corner of the Kent barn.

Most of the party, 13 and 14 y/o kids, are in and around the barn when the globe rises up and projects the first of the Jor El hologram messages, which are clearly seen and heard by the 40 or so teenagers who will be most of Smallville High's incoming freshman class.

Foundling Script:
The image SPEAKS.
JOR-EL: My name is Jor-El. And you are Kal-El, my son. The object you hold has been attuned to you. That you now hear these words is proof that you survived the journey in space and have reached your full maturity. Now it is time for you to learn our heritage. To that end, I will appear to you five times. Watch for the light,listen, and learn.

We MOVE into the globe, into the light.
EXT. KRYPTON Hanging in space.
INT. - JOR-EL'S LABORATORY, JOR-EL stands before a waist-level console, which he manipulates by weaving his hands in the air above it. Attached to the console is a large view screen on which multicolored lights swirl. To one side is a long work table, strewn with odd bits of metal and plastic. To the other side, a large, plain pedestal upon which, egg-like, rests a capsule of some transparent material. The interior of the capsule is suffused with mist.
JOR-EL (V.O): "Time grows short and we continue to search. The immensity of space is both a blessing and a curse. In that near infinite variety there must be _some_ place suitable." (beat) "Hope and desperation drive us in equal measure."
The man is joined by a tall, elegant woman, LARA. She gestures toward the screen, he shakes his head. They both stare into the capsule's mists. Hidden in the mists... something.
JOR-EL (V.O.) "Lara works by my side. She is tireless and endlessly patient. Considering what is soon to come, this is my greatest consolation: that we are together."
Then, a tremor shakes the lab. Indicators on the console flare. Jor-El takes Lara in his arms. The tremor subsides; indicators return to normal.
Having just arrived on at the Kent farm Jason Trask hears the message and the beginnings of panic and Xenophobia. He steps in and calms everyone down telling them that this is the same Clark they've know all their lives.

(Stealing a line from the Smallville TV version of Lois Lane when she tells Clark that this is something new to her but not to him, that he is the same Clark)

While he calms the teens and two of them, Lana and Rachel, move right into cover up mode, it would never do for outsiders to learn of this, they would panic and not understand....

So picture a 'Verse when B39 is on Clark's side for years and years, where the secret of Clark is hidden inside a layer of secrets.
