Okay, so here's what happened: Last night, I had a terrible nightmare. frown

I dreamed I was watching The Adventures of Superman, starring George Reeves. Which...um...in and of itself is not bad. However, this show was from back when Superman was not allowed to get married! (Anyone remember those days?)

So there I was, watching this marathon of episodes in which Superman would meet some girl who seemed totally perfect, but by the end of the ep, some flaw was discovered/revealed which somehow *Nullified Everything*! grumble

The last episode took the cake. This blonde managed to pull off posing as a Kryptonian. She even improvised her way through situations where she would have been found-out for sure! The reason she didn't get to live happily ever after with Superman? She was "a criminal." Her crime? She was a crook's moll.

Yeah, that's right. She was the ex-girlfriend of a criminal, trying to go straight, and that was enough for the cops to come haul her away while Superman says "Well, I think we all learned a valuable lesson here..."


So please, FoLCs, I need your help. I need an antidote; something that takes one or more of the elements in this dream and plays it out in a way that has a much more satisfactory resolution. Preferabley a resolution with smooching. laugh
