In "Madame Ex," Arianna Carlin used subliminal messages to influence the population of Metropolis. The first letter from each paragraph formed an acrostic, spelling out one short sentence, which was then subconsciously absorbed into the reader's mind.

Letters don't actually stay in our memories like that, but it's cannon that it works in the L&C universe. Everyone in the newsroom, if not the city, should know that, too. Word would have spread through the Planet's gossip chain even if they hadn't published a public piece about the whole thing.

Of course, people would be watching for it, so it wouldn't be easy to pull the whole thing off again. At least, not at first. After a while, they'd probably forget about it. Except for Jimmy...

Very likely, he'd remember. It's just the sort of thing he's into. We've seen him hypnotize Perry. We've seen him use a psychic advice line to make decisions. If there's a "magical" way to get ahead or get things done (especially one that's proven to work), he'll use it. Like I said, he'll know he couldn't use it immediately, but he'll sort of mentally file it away.

Eventually, it'll come back to mind, and he'll be ready to give it a try. But what would he use it for?

Perhaps he'd go for fame. Getting girls, maybe. Or maybe he'd go for career advancement. Hypnotize Perry again, or the execs upstairs, maybe even the whole newsroom. Then again, he might try starting out with something more selfless, trying to change the world for the better (or just make one or more bad guys screw up or turn themselves in). Or maybe there's something else I haven't thought of.

All up to you. There are a lot of ways he could go, and they all offer interesting possibilities. Even if he gets what he wants (at first), it doesn't have to turn out the way he expected...

Ultimately, of course, whatever he did would backfire. The truth would be discovered, people would be upset. That has its own possibilities...

Let's see what you can come up with. I think it'd be pretty fun. smile

When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.