Victoria You wanted a kiss? *And* you wanted Part 5? I couldn't get it done the next day, but it's there now. Hope you like it.

MM I found 'immiscible' during a long search for a word that meant 'can't be blended'. We both learned something!


You two seem to string words together to create such amazing pictures. You make it seem so simple, but yet, if it were, the rest of us would be able to accomplish what you can do with a turn of a phrase. I'd call it a gift, but I'm guessing there's a lot of hard work behind it.
Thanks. I'm not sure if it helps that I think in pictures, not words. Even so, there's a lot of hard work (for me, anyway) in trying to get the words to sound as if they simply and easily rolled onto the computer screen. They rarely do, but if I can make the writing seem as if it were effortless, I've achieved my objective.

Why do I have the strange feeling Clark is describing how HE'S feeling at the moment.
I hadn't thought of that, but it makes sense.


The 'raindrops on the sweater' scene wasn't there the first time I wrote this part. I needed a nice way to finish the chapter, so I figured a close-but-not-too-close (ie *almost* kiss) would work OK. Glad you liked it!


I think it's a fairly sure bet that the coffee shop isn't anywhere close. wink

Lady L Yep, Clark is definitely eager for the date.

Kate In this case, being half an hour early wouldn't have been good enough.

Thanks to everyone for the comments. I thought part 6 was ready, but I've spent the last few days writing and re-writing the second half of the chapter. I *think* part 7 is almost ready to go to the BRs. If it is, part 6 should be posted within a week.
