
I don't know if all the good cafes in Des Moines opened after 7am in the mid-90s, but it fitted my story to assume they did.
I don't know about Des Moines, but around here (small rural farming town) people tend to be early risers, even on the weekend. :rolleyes: Going to garage sales and hitting the diners early for breakfast (either before or after hitting the garage sales), meeting up early to do kids sports, or doing yard work. So, it wouldn't be uncommon for restaurants and diners to open by 6:30am, and definitely by 7am, even on a weekend. <<This is mostly because it's often too hot after 10-11am to be outside during the summer to do those things.>> We, personally, are turn off the alarm clock, close the black-out shades, sleep in on the weekend type people, but we're "weird". (We've lived here 10 years, and both our children were born here, but we're still considered "newbies".) huh The one in our town has steps leading up to the "bandstand" area, but they aren't noticeable unless you're looking straight at them, which most people aren't since they're around back.

Again, another "short" comment from me. blush What can I say? You inspire me. /runs off to try to finish another scene of my own story, my WAFF tank now dangerously full./

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.