Yea! All these kissing parts haven't scared off Michael!
Yeah, it was a tad icky, but you promised some Lex/Lois action early on so I just pushed through. Are the two love birds any closer to consummating yet?

CLARK: <is worried about his next confession with Father Carlos> Have no idea what Michael could be thinking.
Who, me? I’m not think anything. I’m too busy watching the clock… Might be less than 34 hours now.

quote:SUPERMAN: I’m not touching that. Do you know how hard it is to get human intestine out of Spandex?

LOIS: Nor will I ever. You have Clark Kent to do your laundry. Thank you very much.

He would have to go further back in history than Alex the Great to reach Ra.
Yes, but the Ptolomeien dynasty still considered themselves pharaohs.

SUPERMAN: Where's an amnesia causing asteroid when you need one?
wave Michael

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I go by Michael on the Archives.