Yay! You're back! The story is back! Yay twice!


Okay, now for the rest of the tough stuff.

When will Clark tell Lois that Kent is his last name? I doubt that she'll care, but right now she only knows him as Kent-with-no-last-name. That might be fine for now, but not forever. She'll have to know, and she won't let it go for long.

Now that there aren't any more secrets between them, there's no reason for them not to marry. Clark is going to divorce Lana, and if she thinks Clark is dead, she might have married the baby daddy already, which would smooth things for Clark a considerable amount. And now that Tempus has whiffed on killing both of his most deadly enemies, maybe he'll get caught with his pants down when Clark returns from the dead, as it were.

I'm still wondering if Lois will go back to the States when this is over (as it soon will be). Or will she stay with the Bangala as their medicine woman? Actually, having either of them show up unexpectedly is going to reveal something about the location of Tempus' body dump. I wouldn't be surprised if there weren't a few more of his enemies lying around the area, slowly decomposing beyond recognition. And revealing the Bangala to the outside world would destroy their way of life, so I'm thinking she's going to stay with them and Clark will just have to deal with it.

Lois responded to Clark in the best way possible. She not only fully accepted his differences, she rejoiced in them. And she told him he was a hero! It's about time he showed that part of his personality. I doubt that Jonathan or Martha meant for him to hide his differences to the point where people died or were injured, but I'm sure that Lana meant that.

And he has to accept that Lana never loved him. If she had, she would have loved all of him, not just parts. I think he's close to that point, and his future interactions with Tempus and Lana and Lois will push him over that final barrier to his being Superman.

A passing thought: Wouldn't it be interesting for Superman to base his Fortress of Solitude somewhere near the Congo? That way he could be with Lois, she could stay with the tribe, and they could be together when he's not off pushing asteroids away from the Earth or catching nuclear missiles before they strike their targets.

I'm ready for the next chapter, Corrina. I don't suppose you could post it now, could you?

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing