Katherine Kent
Excellent. I loved the descriptions of Clark coming into the room as a warrior king to claim his woman. Ooooo, yeah. Can he stride into my room like that please?
Yeah, that was one of my favorite lines. As for him striding into your room like that? You are on your own! (Snicker)

Mrs Mxyzptlk

Oooh, I love this story! It makes me feel all warm and cozy. This is a much more satisfying ending to HoL.
Your fellow commenters agree! I never could understand why Clark chose to answer Lex's summons. It was a definite invitation to disaster! I am sure nightmares about that green cage haunted Clark for the rest of his life. Nightmares which he probably never told Lois about.

This just made me chuckle. I needed a dose of romance and this story hit the spot.
A dose of romance sometimes is all we need to put a gentle smile on our faces and in our hearts. Thank you for the lovely compliment! It made writing this one-shot fic all the more enjoyable.

The expanded ending works much better.
It does, doesn't it? Guess what? I am still not satisfied! confused Don't be surprised if this story returns with a longer and better ending! wink


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.