Progress report - the end is in sight (for me, anyway wink ) I'm writing Part 34, and my current estimate is that the story should be done in less than 40 parts. I'm planning a sequel, but I intend to take a break - have to travel to Canada for my son's wedding - and I also want to dabble in a couple of shorter LnC stories that have been waiting patiently on my hard drive.

I'm hesitant to make too many predictions, but I'm hoping this story will be posted in full by early next year and the sequel will begin about the middle of next year.


I always enjoy the readers' questions because they tell me if my future plans line up with expectations.

Some of your questions have been answered in parts I've already written, others I'm about to address.


More questions smile

One question is particularly apt. I have known the answer from the beginning and never wavered, but I admit that a couple of previous comments/questions have caused me to write in such a way to seem to hint at a different scenario altogether.

I guess you're more confused than ever now laugh

Your English is perfectly understandable. Thanks for making the effort.

mrsM Good point. When Clark found out about Lana's affair, he only saw his own side, which is perfectly natural. Time and meeting Lois has given him the chance to review things.

Laura Thanks for continuing to read, Laura.

Amy Taking feelings of unforgiveness and bitterness into a new relationship isn't a great foundation. Clark's progress might seem slow, but I think all these steps are necessary.

John Regarding Lana, you've only had access to Clark's side. On the surface, what she did was wrong, but perhaps there is more to it.

Virginia All true.


When the story's done, I want to go back an reread everything, so I can remember all the details.
Me, too!




Hi. You read Aussie Rules? I'm continually staggered at how many non-Australians have read and enjoyed that fic. I remember when I was writing it, I was constantly worried that I was getting the footy/LnC balance all wrong.

You will know Lois's secret. So will Clark. In fact, it's the next scene waiting to be written.

LabRat Thanks for providing the link, Labby.

Terry How nice to hear from you, Terry.

Lois hasn't confessed or thought much about her secret.

About the tribe - yes, they're intelligent people, but remember early in the story (I know that was a loooooooong time ago), Lois talked about how they are very trusting, how it's difficult for them to conceive of deceit and corruption? They usual take people at face value.

John Thanks for the comment, John.

Sarah Thanks for the good wishes, Sarah.

Again, a huge thanks to everyone continuing to read this very drawn-out story.
