Your writing style is delicious and suspenseful! The Smallville we all know and love has vanished, replaced by a tragic community still reeling from the world's destruction. frown

For the first ten years of Clark’s life, he had seemed like any other kid—healthier than most, a little stronger than his age mates, perhaps a little smarter, too—but essentially like everyone else. A few people had remarked upon his lack of resemblance to his father, but the Kents were respected members of the community, so no one said it loudly—and no one said it for long. The midwife who cared for his mother during each of her three subsequent pregnancies—none of which yielded a living child—had been quick to defend the Kents and quash any rumors.
With these sentence we see the midwife and the community of District 9 silently accept this 'child of the Kents' without hesitation. Bravo to the midwife by the way; it took a lot of guts to stand up to the Peacekeepers. Poor Martha, to endure six pregnancies and never to give birth to a living child. It must have been so very painful for them.

The description of the years passing while Clark discovers and learns to harness his abilities is well done. Despite the fact that many things are different, the Kent family happily remains comfortably familiar.

And that meant keeping his extraordinary abilities a secret.
Ya think?! With a government run by madmen and Trask somewhere in the shadows?

When they reached the eighteen-year-old section, they separated, Rachel and Lana going to stand with the girls and Clark and Pete going to stand with the boys. Before the group split up, Lana gave Pete a quick kiss, then looked at the others. “Last time,” she reminded them. “And may the odds be in all of our favors.”
Wait a second! Pete is interested in Lana - even plans on asking her to marry him. So why is Lana kissing Clark good-bye?

Poor Becky!

What is a tesserae? I have not read The Hunger Games so there are some terms I am not familiar with.

Slowly, head held high, Clark detached himself from the rest of the eighteen-year-olds and headed for the stage. He stood beside Becky and looked out at the people of District 9.
Oh no! eek

This is a fascinating world you have created. Possibly even a series of stories. I eagerly look forward to the next installment.


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.