Just found this story yesterday, and I am really enjoying it!

I had to put my two cents in on Diddi. Lois DID explain to him about what was going on. Quote from Chapter 26:
"Have you told Diddi? About Matymbou?"

"No. That's my next task. I wanted you to know first." Her hand drifted across his bare shoulder as she stood from the rock. "Diddi!"

Diddi picked up his truck and ran over to the fire.

"I'll give you some privacy," Clark said. He rose and walked away before she could protest.
Diddi may not have understood all that Lois said. He's only 5. In chapter 27, it sounded like he had two issues with Zephyrin. One: He wants a sibling. Two: He's afraid Zephrin will take his place with Kent. Lois didn't realize either of these problems. She explained about the sibling issue, and Kent reassured him that he liked Diddi and Lois the best.

Perry: (To Lois) Honey, this could be greatest story since Superman came to town. By-the-by, where is that husband of yours?
--Faster Than a Speeding Vixon