Clark's smile flickered. "Actually, I was thinking you should let me choose the woman for me to date."
- Pick me!!! Pick me!!!!

Clark let her hand slide slowly from his grasp. "I'll be waiting for you," he said.
- AAAAAAAAWWWWWW.......!!!!!

"You like chocolate?" he asked.
"It's my favourite food."
His smile came with soft satisfaction. "That's good."
Unable to resist, Lois asked, "You're not going to ask if I like kisses?"
Clark cleared his throat. "No," he said. "I'm not going to ask that."
"Pity," she said.
"Would I like the answer?"
"Depends on whether you like kisses or not."
- Teasing, Lois? Wooooooo!!! I see some kisses in your future!!

I Love this couple!!

Clark: "So what are you saying? I should go crawling back on my hands and knees?"
Martha: "No, honey. Fly back. It's faster!!"