This was very nice. smile I enjoyed it on two levels.

1. The cluelessness of Lori. The way that she appears out of the blue and simply accepts a proposal that was made many years ago is... well, it's Lana-like. In fact, while I was reading this I kept having flashbacks to one of my favorite "clueless Lana" stories. Have you read Desperately Seeking Clark by AnnieM ? This Lana is very different than your Lori, but she has the same attitude of "I'm an old LL relationship of Clark's, and since I'm here now I will be the center of his life."

2. The other part - and the element that I enjoyed most - was that Lori's appearance drove Clark to consider that at the point that he is at with his relationship with Lois, he needs to be truthful with her ASAP. This isn't a normal first-date scenario. They have been friends (really more than just friends) for 1 1/2 years at this point. If he wants to take their relationship to the next step, it's time to come clean about his identity.

I enjoyed this very much. It was a good way to pull in a little bit of the non-LnC Superman universe and make it work perfectly. thumbsup
