Have I ever shared that I am one of the few people I've ever met that watched the original premier of the original Star Trek live back in September of 1966? I was 7 years old and convinced my family to watch this new space TV show. I've been a fan ever since.
How cool! I have my own Star trek first, but it wasn't as positive as yours.

The first television show I ever remember watching was Star Trek. I'm a few years younger than you are. When I was about three or so, I remember my older brother and sister were about to watch the first airing of a Star Trek episode (not the pilot). At the time, I was even less into sad endings than I am now, and I asked them whether Star Trek had happy endings. They said it did, so I sat down to watch the show with them. It turned out the episode was "Charlie X" -- a very poignant (especially for a three-or-so-year-old) episode. I was traumatized not only by the ending, but also by the "fact" that my siblings had lied to me. (Keep in mind that I was only three and that I probably have Asperger's syndrome -- my theory of mind back then was pretty much non-existent. I had had no understanding whatsoever that they were telling the truth to the best of their knowledge.) I didn't watch the show again until I was in junior high. At that time, I fell in love with the show; I even enjoyed re-watching Charlie X.

Live long and prosper,

p.s., I am taking the last workday of the month off in part so that I can watch a matinee of the new Star Trek movie. Because I have no one to watch my son and because he isn't able to sit through a movie, taking a vacation day is the only way I can see a movie in the theater. I don't watch very many movies there.