Hi Bob!

Hmm…three parts left. Enough time for Lex to get Lois with child and then vanish into the underworld. Not The Underworld, just the general seedy underbelly of civilization, only to emerge in the next sequel of this trilogy to try and claim his child.

“...in front of him?”

The voice startled Clark awake.
For a moment there, I thought, given your Martha-remark in the previous FDK thread and the fact that he has the video of Lois and Martha, I thought he would play that for Lois to make Clark think his mother’s under his control, too. But that would mean Lex knows about Superman’s secret fetish to dress up as a human, which he hasn’t given any indication of. So, no, that’s not it.

He seemed to be strapped in a chair that seemed to be deliberately designed to be too low. His ankles were chained to the legs of the chair with ankle cuffs. His arms were chained to his side.
Oh, did you ever watch that one Daniel Craig Bond movie where he starts out tied to a chair?

“Yes, sir. You were fortunate to find that impact site east of Dodge City. If not for that find, we wouldn't have enough Kryptonite to create a chamber like this.”
Huh, interesting location they’ve given. It does mean they’ve not tied Superman to Smallville, at least. Also, did they find the Kryptonite before or after the hit during Nightfall?

It was during that test that he lost control of himself.”
Oh boy. I wonder if they have recorded it on video and will be releasing it to the general public.

My plan is to keep this room brightly lit and see how his system reacts. If that works, and he is able to survive on only the light, then once any food or water works its way out of his system, there will be no way for that unpleasantness to repeat itself.”
Huh, but won’t the sweating dehydrate him?

“Good. In the meantime keep him clean. I want to see his blood, but not his bodily waste.”
Yes, can you imagine if they allowed Superman to opportunity to go full-on chimpanzee on Lex?

The scientist looked up for a moment as if surveying the amount of Kryptonite. “With this much he would be completely overwhelmed. He would be unable to move and I'd estimate that he would be dead in less than a minute.”
That doesn’t sound good.

The library was of stunning diversity, and when she'd asked about a new bestseller that she'd wanted to read, it was delivered in the dumbwaiter in less than an hour. And the food! Lois had always appreciated good food. One of the reasons that she'd never cooked, was that she knew that she couldn't do as good as a restaurant. Clark was a good cook, but the food here made his best seem like eating from a dirty can.
So, some drugs in the food, huh?

Even then, it would probably be from someone with insurance. Whatever it was, she wished he'd get on with it. She did miss him and wanted to go home.
Yep, so totally drugged. And with Martha being named Martha, Lois is going to think that’s her mother-in-law. Oh boy.

“I guess that is one of the things that's bothering me the most. Without some sense of time I don’t know what to do about eating. Are you hungry?”
What about reading to measure time. It wouldn’t be perfect, but should be close enough to 1 hour in 6 or so. And the exercise room, the ergometer should have a timer on it.

As she picked up her book, she had a fleeting thought that Clark really didn't have to hurry that much.
Do they have barbells in the exercise room? Not that Lois would consider slugging Lex with one in her drugged-out-of-her-mind state.

I don't know any other way to interpret this data than to say that it's killing him.”
So, will he end up human when this is all said and done?

Then Lex turned and walked away. Yes, this had been much more enjoyable than just another physical beating.
I wonder what Lex will do when he eats one of those barbells.

Lois rang the bell again. Where was that stupid woman? It seemed that every day the old hag put less effort into her work. She'd been serving Lois for eight days now, and Lois was reaching the end of her patience.
What *exactly* is Lex feeding her?

“You were asleep? I told you two days ago that you may rest more during the day, but you must be ready for me when I wake up. I suppose that means you haven't placed my breakfast order yet?”
*rotflol* I think Lex hasn’t been keeping tabs on Lois and will be quite shocked with her being a bit of an entitled shrew. He might even decide to hightail it out of there and look for greener pastures.

Lois watched Martha turn and start through the door. Just as the door closed, Lois heard Martha's voice from the other side of the door. “Evil bitch.”

If only someone else would have been behind the attack on Superman. If things had gone differently, then maybe she could have married Lex instead of that stupid **** -kicking husband of hers.
Oh boy. So, some kind of hypnosis? I’m still thinking it will backfire.

Unfortunately she'd not waited and the water was still cold. She jumped back out of the shower and, in her haste, slipped. As she fell her head bumped the counter and saw saw stars for a moment.
Oh boy. Now we have amnesiac Lois with a strong dislike of men, servants, and general humanity at large. Either that, or she gets a clear head. Also, duplicate ‘saw’ in there.

Then she felt a wave of despair. Where was Clark, she thought. She was lonely and needed him to get through this.
So, hypnosis and gotten her head set straight again, huh?

You know, it’s kind of a good thing this story is already complete. Much less angst that way in waiting for the next part hyper

wave Michael

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