Thank you so much for all your feedback! I'm glad you liked the story (especially given my loopyness while writing it ....) <g>


It's a scary (but cool) thought that Luthor could do good in one outfit, then cause chaos in another...
Me too! I pictured it as the Lex Luthor v. The Boss duality taken to the nth degree.

Pat (angelsgmaw)

Lois made the correct assumptions if we are talking about Lex.
Exactly! I never liked how long it took Lois to see who Lex really was.


Does he [Clark] know who Superman is and is trying to keep is secret from Lois, because he knows what the man will do if anyone figures it out?
I wanted to leave it up to interpretation. I saw two main possibilities: (1) that Clark knew 'Superman's' secret identity (and Luthor's propensity for evil) and was clumsily trying to deflect Lois, or (2) that Luthor had somehow unknowingly gotten powers from Clark (lightning strike, maybe?) and Clark was trying to figure out how to protect his secret.

John Lambert:

I love the story. I was totally not expecting the ending.
Thanks! I'm so glad it worked...

Lynn S.M.

I especially love vignettes with surprise endings.
Me too! Thanks!


You gotta write some more!
I'll certainly be trying!

-- Ultra Lucille

Ultra Lucille