I'd never heard of OUaT - I couldn't even tell you if it has aired in Australia.

However, I've really enjoyed your earlier stories, Anti-K, so I thought I'd give it try.

Nice set-up. Lois and Clark have clearly gotten into something rather strange. If I were familiar with the other show, I might have more idea of what awaits them, but I'm quite enjoying the same sense of complete mystery that Lois and Clark are feeling.

I like your portrayal of Clark. He recognises he made a mistake in sharing his doubts with Lois when he should have continued listening to the conversation. I think sometimes it's easy to show Superman as being always right and Clark as being dimly lunkheaded, particularly when it comes to interacting with Lois. This showed that hundreds of little decisions would come with having super-powers and not ever Superman gets it right all the time.
