Wow, thanks, everyone, for the amazing feedback already for this story! Comments are always welcome and lovely, but even more so when it's for a story I'm nervous about, so it was a joy to read all your thoughts! smile1

Katharine Kent, thanks so much for the encouragement about Rumplestiltskin and Belle -- they're definitely my favorite characters on OUaT (and one of the reasons I've been neglecting L&C) and so fun to play around with.

Glad you're reading, scifiJoan -- every time I read one of your comments, I'm reminded that you're one of the first who ever gave me feedback the first time I posted a story! wave I was delighted to receive a comment from you, Morgana -- despite the fact that this is one of the only stories I've dared to post without your excellent beta-ing services! Thanks for jumping aboard even though you don't watch OUaT!

I would definitely recommend OUaT, Iolanthe -- it certainly sucked me right in! But whether or not you do, I'm so glad you're giving the story a try -- and I'm relieved you could follow along! And ominous feelings are going to be coming left and right, I'm afraid; Storybrooke isn't exactly welcoming to newcomers!

Thanks, Starkat! Always happy to meet another fan who enjoys both L&C and OUaT!

I liked that line, too, Framework4 -- Lois certainly took to the cover story aspect of superhero-ing so much easier than poor Clark did. smile

Yay! Another fan of both my favorite shows! smile Thanks, Mouserocks -- Gold was talking to the current sheriff, Prince Charming, and Dr. Whale (AKA Dr. Frankenstein) brought Daniel back to life but only as a pale, monstrous reflection of himself, which made things much more difficult for poor Regina. Hopefully, all of that will become clearer as the story progresses!

Whew!, Thanks, John -- Lois and Clark are such old friends that writing them feels like coming home, but dialogue is always a tricky thing!

Lynn, so glad to hear from you -- this story is pretty much your fault, you know. You just kept making me think about it until I *had* to write it down. laugh And I'm having fun with it, so I owe you an even bigger thank you. Love what you said about the different 'flavors' coming through because so far, that's been the funnest to try to convey.

Thank you to everyone braving this crossover -- I hope to have the next chapter up very soon!