Hi everyone,

Thanks for the FDK and your patience.

Laura I discovered the miracle berries by accident and just knew they had to fit somewhere in a story that is basically about turning bitterness into sweetness smile

John By 'real name' do you mean Clark or Kal? That's the point, Clark feels as if he took on a new name and a new identity as a baby. Now, he feels as if he's doing it again.

Virginia About Clark's former job - I think the loss of that was overwhelmed by everything else he lost. Also, as he has never worked with Lois, I don't think his position at the DP would have meant as much to him as it does to canon-Clark. So, he accepted quite easily that it had gone forever (certainly that was the case once he was dumped in Africa) but he's not upset about it, therefore, there's no real need to mention it.

About Clark being called 'Kent' ...

I'm sure he'll tell her the truth eventually,
What truth? Clark Kent isn't actually his name - it's the name he used in a life that has now gone completely. If M&J were still alive (or had only recently passed) he would feel differently. Although he didn't plan it, 'Kent' keeps a small link with M&J, but allows him to ditch 'Clark' and hopefully, move on from all the pain of loss (his parents, Lana, the baby,) he experienced as Clark.

Kismatt You will get an explanation as to why Clark doesn't associate 'Lois' with 'Lois Lane'.

Ken Yeah. For both of them, it's a part of the life they have left behind. Also, when Clark was talking about his childhood, he said he was from 'Smallville, Kansas'. There is no logical reason why Lois would then think, 'Oh, so he must have worked at the Daily Planet, then.' wink

Morgana Thanks. Recharge is going well.

Sarah Hi - thanks for dropping by and letting me know you're following along.

Hannah Thanks for the kind words. I'm glad you're reading. Yep, I like Diddi, too.
