I'm glad you liked the cliffhanger.

Except it was meant to be just a little cliffy, not a huge one.

In part 2, Diddi showed he had a fixation with space.

"But I want to be with you in koronteen," Diddi said, looking downcast. "I want to help you make him better. You said I know all the bestest medicines."

"Quarantine," Lois corrected. "And you're the best assistant a medicine woman could have. But we don't know this man, so you can't go near him until I say it's OK."

"How long will you have to stay away?" Diddi asked.

"Five days. Unless he's really sick, and then it will be longer."

Her son studied her with sadness pouring from his dark expressive eyes. "But I want to talk to him," he said. "I've never seen a green man before." His smile came suddenly, lighting his eyes. "Maybe he's from the moon. Maybe that's why he's green. Romaric said he heard a loud noise in the sky. He said it was an airplane, but I think it was the man's rocket. Maybe he fell out of the rocket and that's how he got so hurted."

Lois smiled at the prolific flow of his imagination. She was sure that, had he been born into another culture, Diddi would have a future as a best-selling author of fiction. "You will have the important job of carrying messages between Sylva and me," she said, bringing him back to the present before his mind could distract him with endless details for his story. "I'll need you to bring me medicines. And food."
And ...

Lois scurried away from the stranger, stopping a few yards before the moabi tree. "Diddi?" she called.

"Yes, Maman?"

"Go back twenty steps. Big steps." Lois heard the movement of his feet in the undergrowth.

"OK, Maman." She rounded the tree and saw Diddi looking at her anxiously. "Is it a really bad disease?" he asked in awe. "Could he have got it on the moon?"

Lois didn't want to tell her son that she suspected someone had deliberately hurt the man. "I don't know yet," she said. "Maybe he'll tell us if he wakes up."
I know, in real time, that was months ago.

I'm about to re-read Part 16 and fix one small section. It should be up within an hour.

