
Interesting that you've based this village on reality
Loosely based, yes. But there's some of my invention in there, too.


This is what I used as my starting point ...

In the 19th century, before the creation of the Congo Free State, the Bangala, or 'river people', were a group of similar Bantu peoples living and trading along the bend of the Congo River that reached from Irebu at the mouth of the Ubangi River to the Mongala River. They spoke similar languages, such as Losengo, but their trade language was Bangi, which was the most prestigious language between Stanley Pool (Kinshasa) and Irebu. As a result, people upstream of the Bangala mistook Bangi for the language the Bangala and called it Lingala (language of the Bangala), and European missionaries followed suit.

(from wiki)

As you said, this is the alt-world, which gives me the freedom to play with historical timelines.

And, I suppose, the freedom to include footy. wink I just didn't think of it.
