This is as depressed a Clark as I’ve ever seen. Lana’s betrayal hit him incredibly hard.

I was glad for this:
Why hadn't he communicated with her? Asked questions? Given information? Helped her assess his injuries?

Why had he steadfastly ignored her efforts to interact with him?

Because of the overwhelming magnitude of his grief, Lois surmised.

Earlier today, she'd though he was in danger of dying from his injuries. Now, she realised he was in much greater danger of dying from a broken heart.

Losing hope. Giving up. Drowning in sorrow.

Mr Miracle didn't need a medicine woman to treat his body. He needed a friend to help him emerge from his heartache.

Sylva's medicines and treatments had done their job. Now, Lois needed a different strategy.

Fired with new purpose, she rolled over, wriggled into a comfortable position, and set her mind to work.
Now Lois knows what she’s dealing with.

Also, everything we’ve seen so far points to a Lois who has been substantially changed by her African experience. This Lois is a healer and a mother. It occurs to me that in a way, Lois did die. This person is not anything at all like the hard-edged city-girl that our regular Clark met in Metropolis.
