He’s quite the busy bee.
Tempus: Hello?? Duh! Bad guy! clap

/whispers/ Did he just date himself by paying future inflation price for the paper?

Yeah, he might get rushed away to Arkham.
Wouldn't want that. Batman is not the creator of Utopia.

So, Lois will *not* marry Lex and be his sex slave in this story?
Lois: <attempts not to vomit>

Jaywalking. And littering (he dumped a cigar butt on the street). He will have to do 2 hours of community service, and is optionally allowed to send a substitute. It was a brilliant piece of investigative journalism. They had to track the billionaire for several months until they could finally nail him on both charges just after he had finished a lengthy discussion with Joe the Blow.
They go on to win several prestigous awards for said article.

Much more fun to have him alive while Lois is being sold from bordello to bordello.

Plus, she keeps his bed nice and cozy.
Jason: <mutters about needing to find Lois and sterilize her, lest S breed>

Not even when they start to use Lois as a pastime?
Clark: Maybe then. But only if I have to.

Then again, he did get off easy so far. He still has all his intestines *inside* his body. At least, for now.
So long as Roose Bolton doesn't get him. He doesn't have a flayed man sigil for nothing.

Oh dear. That can’t be good.
It never is. evil

/reads top post/
Hope you're having a blast, Vicki!
Thank you, I did! Dean is one of the loveliest, nicest people I've ever met. More details to come later once I write up a report. Look for pics and video too once I get a chance to upload them. Probably in the Lois and Clark or Off Topic section.

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon