Hi, Virginia!

Well, then, I better get my FDK in early enough for you to read it.
Oooh! Shiny feedback!

Clark met Lois! And just like Clark he concentrated all his attention on her, he didn't remember anything else. Let's hope those "good quotes" weren't just a bunch of garbly-gook while he drooled down his chin at her. "You, pretty." Nah, DC wouldn't do that to Clark. Torture him, shoot at him, have him raised by a Trask, perhaps, but she's not THAT evil.
Erm, you haven't read my later chapters yet. You *may* retract that statement. Yes, Clark goes all googly upon meeting Lois, doesn't he? laugh

I wonder what our dear Lois thought of the meeting. Did she wonder how this nobody from Kansas was able to cheat at football to break a third record? Too bad he didn't follow up to see what Met U's article had said about him.
Who says he didn't? wink

I'm glad he's decided to slowly withdraw from football fame and concentrate on his true passion, Lois.... er... sorry, journalism. But he knew where his scholorship bread was buttered.
<nods> Also, backing out of sports helps maintain the disguise of "normal person, nothing to see here."

The globe! This makes sense that because he had more contact with the globe it would reveal its messages to him at an earlier time and date.

Yes, the globe is really good at not saying quite enough, isn't it, Clark?
Since it was attuned to him, I think Clark was right on the show that it just needed some time to "warm up" before it revealed the messages. Yes, the globe could have left a little more detail. Then again, Jor-El *was* rushed. He should have left it for Lara to leave the messages - women are much better at that stuff sometimes. wink

Yea! Clark made his first save! Earned his first fan. I wonder who this little girl will turn out to be? Hmmm. Probably nobody. I feel for the little girl to have witnessed something so amazing and not have anyone believe her. I can understand Clark's fear for his parents (more than himself). Trask was an evil, evil man, best not lead him back home, if its not necessary.
Kid is a nobody. Poor kid, getting in trouble for telling the truth.

And now, Clark is becoming a globe-trotter, just like in canon! Yay! Or...boooooo, for what it means for him.

Another hug for Clark, setting off on his own to hide and travel the world. Let's hope he thinks to send unsolicited articles to the Daily Planet, so that when he arrives to be swept off his feet by Lois... er... interview with Perry, he won't be sent his papers.
<whistles innocently>

I wonder too if Lois will remember meeting him all those years before. I'm thinking, not. Poor Clark, that will make his heartache at the reunion all the more painful, that he was so utterly forgettable (no matter, if that's who has always tried to be, so not to attracts B39's attention).
You'll see. I can't say too much without giving away the farm, so to speak.

Let's hope that the storms decide to turn East and we'll get another part (and you some sunny skies) come Wednesday!
Thanks, me too. We weathered last August's hurricane perfectly but last October's snow blacked out my area for 4 days. So it's up in the air, how we'll come through this one.

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon