I'm back. Let's see... Reviewing...

man let the football fly, and Clark was surprised to find himself running after the ball. He easily outpaced it and positioned himself. The ball sailed right into his waiting arms. Clark smiled and tossed it back, carefully reigning in his strength so as not to hurt Jonathan.
8 months later and Clark's already a Pro football player. Nice going, Jonathan! grumble <Don't remind me that I'm in Special Ed for my lack of education, too.>

"I'm scared to touch anything. I'm afraid to touch you and Mom. I'm a disaster waiting to happen. A ticking time bomb. Maybe Trask was right to want to keep me locked up," he finished in a whisper.
Poor Clark. He finally gets love and it makes him self-conscious. He never was worried about these things at B39.

S: Gee, sorry, Jenson. I just tried to shake Jason's hand, I didn't mean to pull off his arm. Do you think Cameron will notice?

JENSON: Nah. We'll stick a band-aid on it.

"What Trask did to you is an unforgivable crime. What he wanted to do with you is monstrous beyond words."

Now, you know me. I'm not one to get preachy. But, I'm a firm believer that we all have gifts and talents. It's how we use them that's the key."
M&J's super power = love. whinging Clark's first instinct is always to run away, even from love.

"Clark Jerome Kent," Martha said, her voice turning sharp. Clark winced to hear his full name used like that. "Don't you even dare to entertain the notion of running away. We're your parents. You're our son. We'll help you get through this."
You rock, Martha! <<whooop, whooop!>>

Who would imagine that I have the vision powers that I do if I'm pretending to be near-sighted?"
Who would imagine ANYONE would have vision powers like he does?

Other than Trask, Tempus, and all others associated with B39.

July 28, 1984
High school graduate!

In just a few short weeks, he would be heading off to college, to study his one true passion, journalism. He was excited, of course, to pursue his dream of one day becoming a reporter. And he was more than ready to play college football. Already, he could hear the roar of the crowd in the brisk fall air, cheering on their favorite team and players.
Guess he's learned control after all.

I was five feet above my bed and floating.
7 foot ceilings?

What am I going to do? How will I hide this from my roommates?
Summer job. Get a single dormroom.

He was just about to give up and head indoors again to get breakfast started when his feet unexpectedly rose off the grass.
So he can fly when he *doesn't* think about it? THAT won't be dangerous.

He felt it, but it did not bother him, though his glasses started to frost over.
This would explain why Clark doesn't fly with his glasses on.

Did he still have blood relatives on Krypton? Was there a sister out there, wondering where her brother was? Was there a brother there, trying to find out what had happened to him? What of his parents? Did they wonder about him? Did they know that he'd survived the trip to Earth, an infant packed away in a tiny spaceship, sent through the endless coldness of space? Did they know he'd crashed on Earth? Had he been stolen from them, sent away by some villain? Or had his parents sent him away? Why? Had they not cared about him? Had they sent him away to escape some evil? Had he been some bizarre type of sacrifice, offered to some unknown god they believed ruled the universe?
It's the not knowing that eats away at you.

And yet, being where he was, hanging in space, looking down on his home, it only hammered in the fact that he was alone. Different. Isolated. An alien.

As he skidded to a halt and entered the house, the delicious odors of his mother's cooking filled his nostrils. He inhaled deeply, committing the smell to memory. Pretty soon, he reminded himself, he'd be forced to eat less than appetizing cafeteria food.
I keep hoping my kids realize how good they have it at home in this respect. So far, not so much.

Clark shrugged. "Well...Mom, Dad...I've got some good news and some bad news. The bad news is, The Boulder isn't there anymore. The good news is, you've now got a couple hundred pounds of gravel up in the back field."
clap We can really see how M&J's love and paitence has made all the difference in the world.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.