I really like this.

Clark shrugged. "Well...Mom, Dad...I've got some good news and some bad news. The bad news is, The Boulder isn't there anymore. The good news is, you've now got a couple hundred pounds of gravel up in the back field."
The fact that Clark feels free to share his new-found power with his parents is a powerful testimony to the unconditional love they've always shown him. He knows that they'll accept him no matter what strange and marvelous things he can do.

And his bad news/good news way of telling them about his flying tells us that he's more than just comfortable with his family. He trusts them completely, just as he knows they trust him, and he's willing to be completely open about himself with them.

I'm waiting, though, for the other size 39 shoe to drop. Even if Bureau 39 has vanished, they're not gone. They'll show up again, maybe with that vial of glowing green crystal, and crash into Clark's life once again.

I'm curious to know if either Rachel or Lana was a significant part of Clark's high school experience. Did he date either one of them, or was he too shy and too conscious of his alien heritage to allow himself to date girls? Or did they just shun him, despite his obvious football celebrity?

Doesn't matter. This is a very good story, and I'm ready to read the next part as soon as you're ready to post it.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing