Originally posted by angelsgmaw:
I finally made the time to sit down and read.

This story is so bitter-sweet. Poor little S, unloved, unwanted, unknown wanders into the one place where there is love, and they want him. Now if he will only let them get to know him, he might have all the things he has wanted for as long as he has understood to long for them.

(Personal note for Vicki: You are writing about the one thing that is vacant in your life. Yet, you know that what will happen may take time, but it WILL happen. Have faith, and believe what you are writing.)

Great story. Sad, but great!
Hi, Pat! wave

I did want to play a little with what is fate and what is chance. So, Clark is (probably) fated to meet the Kents in every universe. No matter what, they will love him and help shape him into the man he becomes. (Unless, of course, I ever decide to do a real 180 type of story, that is wink )

Interesting that you bring up my situation. It actually never crossed my mind when I was writing this story, at all. I keep trying to stay positive, but, well, it's not always easy, and sometimes I *do* just sit and cry.

Anyway, thanks for stopping in!

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon