Your ears must be burning, Nan. Michael and I just mentioned the Vampire Murders (and how Lex was the vampire, just joking) in another FDK thread.

Lois shrugged. "We're talking about Intergang here. Remember what you said happened when you guys were investigating Lex last year. Henderson didn't tell anybody but the people he trusted 'cause he didn't know who might be on Lex's payroll. How do we know Intergang doesn't have plants in the police department?"
Because if we did that I wouldn't get to see Superman. Duh!

I like her answer there actually. That makes lots of sense. thumbsup

"What do you suppose that secret door in the closet was for?" Lois said.
Mean game of Hide and Seek? Cheating spouses?

"Good question. My guess would be to move stuff from one side to the other without going outside."
Or that.

"Probably. I wonder who rented the house last summer."

"We can find out," Clark said. "Or, rather, Jimmy can find out for us."
LOIS: Yeah, let's have Jimmy do the grunt work instead of us.

That, when they were involved in a complicated investigation, usually meant they were going to be doing something outrageous before long, Clark knew, but he said nothing. Lois wasn't going to change her mind just because he raised objections. He wondered, sometimes, why it was that most of the important women in his life tended to be Type A personalities. It just figured that Superman preferred high-maintenance women, of which Lois was a shining example. It was probably just as well that she didn't have super powers. He would never have been able to keep up with her. He barely managed as it was.
I love how "Superman perferred high-maintenance women". Clark couldn't possbily have ANYTHING to do with them, though. thumbsup

Henderson pulled his thoughts from the flight and back to business. "I take it Lois's rescuer doesn't want to be seen in public?"
Daylight actually.

"I know. But he's in here -- or he was when Lois and Clark talked to him." Superman's voice was also lowered. "This way."
I just thought of something obvious. It must be nice for Clark to not have to tell Superman stuff; it really saves time not repeating messages and things (i.e. see Lois in Perry's office) to Superman directly.

The man's full lips twitched at the corners. "You may call me a friend.
Hey, isn't that what Superman first called himself as well. He IS Kryptonian.

"A vessel waits off shore," the man told him. "It sails beneath the surface of the sea, and its cargo is death."
Submarine. Cool. Death = guns and drugs. Or is there something else lethal in there? Plague, perhaps?

"You say they're waiting for me to remove my men?" he asked the mystery man.

"Of course. They fear discovery."
I wonder how Henderson will be able to pull back his men without it appearing to be a trap?

HENDERSON: Okay, men, fall back, but naturally. Casual, like.

I leave the remainder to you, as you are the guardian of this place in this time."
Sounds like the Rescuer is from another time and place.

"There will not be another until your men are withdrawn," the other said. "These men have limited fuel, however. If they cannot make their delivery soon, it may be weeks before they return."
So, time is of the essence.

"I figured that part," Henderson said. "What I don't understand is how you're mixed up in this."
I didn't have a choice. Someone opened up my grave and woke me up.

"Good evening, Inspector Henderson," he said. "And my wishes for good fortune go with you. Please tell Miss Lane that I hope she will suffer no ill effects from her adventure last night."
Did they tell this guy about Lois's vampire visitor?

here was the faintest fluttering sound behind him and he glanced back, wondering if a bird had been somehow trapped in the building,
Big mosquitos. Oh, wait, winter. Nevermind.

but now there was no one and nothing there.
Between this and the vampire from the night before, Henderson will be seeking the services of Dr. Friskin soon to stop the nightmares.

Lois's mysterious rescuer had vanished as if he had never existed.
shock He's not a bat, is he?

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.