I'm hoping a general answer will suffice because many reader comments touched on Lois berating Superman (which I enjoyed, too smile )

Beside the fact that I thought it would be fun to write, I was trying to address Clark's 'I want her to love Clark, not the superpowers' obsession.

Even though Lois's defence of Clark was a good indication of her feelings, I figured Clark was too lunkheaded to accept it, so I needed her to make a bold statement of her loyalty to *Clark* (not Superman).

As Vicki said so clearly, Lois had to choose either Clark or Superman and she definitively chose Clark.

Also, this from Lynn ...

p.s., I am wondering whether Lois had Clark check over the train collapse article because she has figured out that he's Superman, and her having him fact-check the article will come into play in the next section.
One of my BRs mentioned the same point, and I re-read it trying to make it clearer. I wasn't trying to allude to anything other than she's trying to make his first few minutes in the newsroom as easy as possible by giving him something to do. As Clark said, he wasn't going to be a great help with the story, but Lois wanted to take his mind off people staring at him and possibly speculating about his guilt or otherwise.

Thanks for the FDK, everyone,
