Morgana Thanks!

Ken Your comment re Lois and Clark is apt - they've spent very little time together so far.


And also I am glad you gave us a clue as to why Lana went nuts.
The Lana we saw in the alt-universe was possessive and demanding. I took her a bit further, so I felt I had to give some reason for her irrational behaviour.

Patrick There are those who believe the cops are always out to get you and should never be trusted. I don't believe that, and I don't think Clark would either. I think that if he hadn't had to hide the Secret, he would have been honest and trusted the system to prove his innocence. Plus, in this case, Clark and Henderson know each other.

Sure, most of my (limited) knowledge comes from the Australian system, but from what we saw of Henderson in the show, he was a good guy and would have genuinely wanted to help Clark.

Aria Thanks for your thoughts. I'm probably a little naive (Clark might be, too), but it was never my intention to disparage police officers in this fic. I felt bad enough that they misread the evidence, but if they hadn't, Lois wouldn't have had the opportunity to swoop in and save Clark.

I'd also like to add that though Wolfe seemed to want to force McCreadie to come into the station, he'd be more likely to try and work out a time more amenable for her to come in. Witnesses can sometimes be arrested, but if they are cooperating, there's not much reason for it.
Which is why Wolfe backed down very quickly. He knew he couldn't force her to come. At that stage, he probably didn't realise that she knew it too!

Sarah Hope you got the chance to finish reading.

Thanks, Lynn.

Vicki If a person were guilty of a crime, absolutely, say nothing.

But what if you're innocent? Does the average American have so little trust for the justice system and police officers that he/she would refuse to give information (that could help in solving the case) even when innocent?

Again, I'm probably naive, but if I were being questioned by police about something I hadn't done, I would think that speaking out could only help my cause.

Clark was innocent - his difficulties arose because of his unique situation in trying to be two people.

Morgana Whether or not Lana is lying about what happened in Europe is for the reader to decide.

Patrick I've never watched a single episode of Smallville.

Aria The strength of the belief, 'never talk to police' has surprised me.

But then, as well as being naive, I'm also willing to admit that my view of police officers has been coloured by a very cute Sergeant Tom Newman, a character in an Aussie show in the early '90s.

Kate You're right - at this stage, it was set up for some fluff. smile

Sarah Thanks for letting me know you're reading.


Aaaahhhh…that’s why you needed to find a small town.

Something tells me that Wolfe’s gonna get to attend a how-to-treat-people-courteously seminar.
Good cop/bad cop?


Yes, that's why it's totally acceptable to allow lies to destroy the career/life of a fine human being/reporter.
Good point. smile

Thanks for commenting, everyone.
