On the other hand, Henderson's and Wolfe's frustrated "Why didn't Clark just tell us where he was?" rings true. I would have been surprised to hear either of them confess to Lois, "Because Clark wisely chose not to volunteer information about his whereabouts, I wasted several days pursuing false leads. But that's really my own fault for not being a better detective. Tell Clark he did the right thing; it's never a good idea to talk to the police."
I agree! I hope it didn't seem like I was advocating that Wolfe/Henderson dialog be changed. They are full of it, as Framework said, but that's what they would probably say. I'm a little surprised Clark didn't know better about talking to the police, given all of his dealings with the police and with the judicial system, but it's understandable he would fall into the trap of talking to them given the kind of stress he was under.

I also want to add that I really appreciate how this story has connected with me and made me think. I work in forensics, so there's a personal connection with what I do.

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.